Bali Paradise Island

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Goa Lawah Temple

Goa Lawah Temple is known as one of the six important temples in Bali. Five of them are Lempuyang temple, Uluwatu, Andakasa, Batukaru, and Seleyukti. Goa Lawah consists of words and Lawah cave, wherein said means Lawah bat. So Lawah Goa temple is a temple in which there are caves with thousands of bats.
Temple Goa Lawah including rural areas Pesinggahan, Dawan sub district, Klungkung Regency. The distance is about 10 km to the east of the town of Klungkung or less than 50 km from the city of Denpasar. A distance of one and a half hour from Ngurah Rai airport by pass through Prof. Ida Bagus Mantra. The location is also a pathway to Candidasa tourism, ranging from 15 miles east of the temple and Goa Lawah Temple and Kerta Gosa Bali

Regarding the history of the temple Goa Lawah , is not known exactly when and who built this temple . According to research by historians this temple was built in the 11th century the idea of MPU Kuturan . Pura Goa Lawah is worshiping God as the God of the Sea .

The scenery in this temple is very typical , because a cave is under the shady trees . At the mouth of the cave was built a couple of places of worship. In front of the cave in the temple area also appears to many places of worship. Big ceremony in this temple held once every six months . In the Balinese calendar days Anggarkasih called Medangsia .
This temple is located opposite the beach and into the hills . A temple is also built on this beach called Pura Segara . Pura Segara is a temple around which most of the community livelihood as fishermen to worship the Lord with the title of Lord Varuna or God of the Sea .
Upon entering the village temple Pesinggahan towards Goa Lawah , along the way there are many stalls that offer a menu of fish . Such as grilled fish , spiced fish , satay , fish soup , vegetable plecing , raw chili , red chili seasoning Bali , complete with rice and coconut ice. Stall - stall snacks are also many temples across . The parking lot is available quite extensive which is outside the temple and on the waterfront . This tourist destination visited by domestic and foreign tourists . Especially during the holiday season and the feast .Lawah Goa is one of the tourist sites in Bali visited by many tourists to holiday in Bali and Balinese temple Lawah Goa very often in jawadwalkan as one of the objects contained in the Bali tourism tour packages in Bali . Schedule a tour to this attraction is usually accompanied by kunjugan Bali tourism object to another , such as Bali Tirta Empul and Ulun Danu Temple .

Goa Gajah ( Elephant Cave )

A tourist sites are located in the village of Bedulu , Blahbatuh , Gianyar Regency , about 27 km from Denpasar . Goa elephant Lwa Gajah derived from the word , a word that appears on the palm Negarakertagama compiled by MPU prapanca in 1365 AD
Goa Gajah was built in the 11th century AD , when King Sri Ratna Bumi Banten Astasura power. This cave used as a hermitage , which is evidenced by the presence of niches in the cave . In addition there is also a cave around pool with seven statues pertitaan Widyadara - Widyadari who was holding the holy water . In total there are seven statues , but when I lived there only six in number , according to the clerk of the statue was moved to another location , due to the earthquake a few years ago . Six of this statue is a symbol of the seven sacred rivers in India , the birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism .

This temple has many ancient relics . Because the temple is visited by many foreign and domestic tourists . This temple can be divided into three parts . There is a Hindu sacred buildings are very old around the 10th century AD .
There is a sacred Hindu shrine building - century shrine built after that . While there are three Buddhist heritage building is estimated by experts that already exist around the 8th century AD contemporary of Borobudur temple in Central Java .
In the eastern part of the cave niche there are three big phallus lined up on a pedestal , while in the western part of the cave there is a statue of Ganesha in the form of T. Become upstream or keluwan cave there are three symbols of Shiva Linga or Sang Hyang Tri Purusa . While in the teben is a statue of Ganesha is the son of Shiva in the Hindu pantheon system . Due to this Ganesha statue by Miguel Covarrubias 's cave called Goa Gajah .
Function god Ganesha in Hindu worship system is as Wighna - ghna Winayaka god and as a god . Wighna means obstacle or challenge . Worship of Lord Ganesha is the god cult to obtain spiritual guidance in order to become self-reliant in the face of obstacles or challenges of life . Ganesha is worshiped as the god Winayaka is to get God's guidance in developing life wise . The ability to face challenges and develop this wisdom as a first step to achieving a peaceful and prosperous life on this earth .
In front of the cave there is a statue in a pond Shower baths sacred because times buried in the ground . Currently serving head office Kriygsman Antiquities in Bali , the baths were excavated in 1954 . In it there is a statue Widyadara baths and Widyadhari . Arca showers are six pieces . The three lined up in the north and three in the south . This angel statue placed on a pedestal of lotus or lotus . Padma is a symbol of the universe stana Hyang Widhi .
In the middle there is a statue of male symbol Widyadhara . The six statues Widyadhari drain water from the center and there are statues of milk statues . Water flowing in the pool as a symbol of fertility . The purpose of the worship of God with the symbol linga as a medium to encourage the emergence of fertility . Phallus was divided into two parts: the base and the Predana called Yoni symbol that stands upright on it called Lingga Yoni . The bottom of the rectangular-shaped phallus symbol of Brahma Bhaga , on top of the octagonal symbol of Vishnu Bhaga .
At the top of the octagon elliptical . Here's a peak as Shiva Bhaga . In this Linga worship ceremony splashed with water or with milk . Water or milk was accommodated through the channel yoni . The water that is sprinkled into rice fields and plantation agriculture invoke fertility .
Arca was the epitome of the water flow showerheads to build agricultural fertility in the broad sense . In Canakya Nitisastra , water was declared one of the three Ratna gem Earth .
Herbs foodstuffs and medicines as well as words of wisdom as the two other gems Ratna . Hindu sacred buildings in Pura Goa Gajah in addition to existing heritage buildings Hindu era Pasupata eksisnya Hindu Shiva temple in the days following there as in the days of Hindu worship Hindu Shiva Siddhanta has grown . Because it was in the east a bit to the south of Goa Gajah there are several shrines . There Pelinggih Limas and Limas supply Mujung as Pelinggih Pesimpangan Batara at Mount Agung and Mount Batur .
There Pelinggih gedong as ancestral shrines in the gusti Bedaulu . There is a shrine of Queen Park as Vishnu worship as god of water . As the temple in general, there are also some complementary building . Such as the shrine Pengaruman offerings for offerings when there is a ceremony , either because there are ceremonies piodalan and other Hindu holiday .
More ancient relic of Hindu heritage in Pura Goa Gajah is the presence of Buddhist relics . Outside the cave on the western side there is a statue of the Buddhist Goddess statue Hariti in Bali called Men Brayut . This statue is depicted as a woman who took a lot of children . In Buddhist mythology , it was originally Hariti woman flesh -eating human flesh , especially children . After this Hariti studying the teachings of the Budsha , Hariti eventually became a deeply religious and compassionate children .
To the south of Goa Gajah through trench found Buddha statue in the attitude of the Dhyani Buddha Amitabha . Dhyani Buddha in the attitude of the Amitabha Buddha in the Mahayana Buddhist pantheon system as a protector of Buddha universe westward . Similarly, three Hindu and Buddhist religious buildings in Goa Gajah Temple

Tirta Empul ( Gianyar )

Tirta Empul
Tirta Empul and is located in the village of washing Manukaya , Tampaksiring District , Gianyar Regency .
Tampaksiring is a name and a village located 36 km from Denpasar .
 Tirta Empul as relics of the kingdom in Bali , one of the few ancient relics are interesting to watch and are known in the village . Western side of the temple is at an altitude of Presidential Palace which was built on the rule of President Sukarno .
Regarding the name of the temple is most likely taken from a spring that is contained in this temple named Tirta Empul as mentioned above . Etymologically Tirta Empul means that the water that gushed out of the ground . So Tirta Empul means holy water that gushed out of the ground .
Tirta Empul water flowing into the river Pakerisan . Along the river there are some ancient relics . The establishment of this temple is expected in the year 960 AD at the time of the dynasty of King Chandra Bhayasingha Warmadewa . As usual temple - the temple in Bali , the temple is divided into three parts which are Jaba Pura ( front page ) , Jaba Central ( Central page ) and Offal ( page in ) .
In the Middle Jaba there are 2 ( two) long rectangular pool and the pool has 30 pieces lined shower from East to West facing South . Each - each shower was traditionally has its own name such Pengelukatan showers , Pebersihan , Sudamala and Shower Cetik ( Poison ) .

Shower Cetik and the name Tirta Empul nothing to do with the mythology of the battle that the King Stone Recent Mayadenawa ( Bedahulu ) by Lord Indra .
In mythology, it is told that the King Mayadenawa being ill - treatment and do not allow people to carry out the ceremony - a religious ceremony to beg salvation from God Almighty . After the act was known by the gods , then the gods headed by Lord Indra attacked Mayadenawa .
Mayadenawa eventually be defeated and fled north side of the village came Looks siring .
As a result of his power creates a spring Mayadenawa Cetik ( poison ), which resulted in many of the army of Lord Indra who died from drinking the water . Seeing this Lord Indra immediately plugged the spear and emit water out of the ground ( Tirta Empul ) and Holy water is used so it does not splatter the Gods can live a while longer as usual .

Kerta gosa ( Klungkung )

Kerta Gosa is one of the mainstay attractions of Klungkung regency , Bali . Built in 1686 by Dewa Agung Jambe , Taman Gili Kerta Gosa has unique characteristics that no other tourist attraction . Kerta Gosa is a building open ( bale ) which is officially part of the castle complex Semarapura .
Located in the heart of Klungkung Semarapura Capital District , next to the main market , Kerta Gosa has been renovated and preserved by the government . Within the walls of the traditional Balinese carvings , there are two buildings that stand tall , called Gosa and Bale Bale Kerta Kambang ( Taman Gili ) . Kerta Gosa Bale is a tall building at right angles after the entrance , as well as larger Kambang Bale is located in the center and surrounded by a pool .

 In addition to building beautiful architecture , unique Kerta Gosa is located in the ceiling bale covered with traditional painting Kamasan style . Kamasan is a village in the district Klungkung is famous for painting the hallmark puppet . Kamasan paintings usually take epics such as the Ramayana or Mahabharata as the theme of the painting . Kamasan paintings are usually found in temples as a decoration that has many meanings .
Previous paintings on the ceiling Kerta Gosa made ​​on the fabric , but in 1930 was restored and painted on plasterboard . The paintings on the ceiling Kerta Gosa offers valuable spiritual lessons . If one looks at it in detail , in every part of the ceiling tells a different story , there is a section that tells the story of karma and reincarnation , and other parts describe every phase of human life from birth to death . The painting is divided into six levels , representing the afterlife , and the top is nirvana .
Bale Kambang is a beautiful building in the middle of the pond . Kamasan paintings in the ceiling depicting the story of the epic Sutasoma . Both sides of the bridge towards the bale guarded by statues representing characters from the epic backdrop of lotus pond . Theme in paintings indicates that the building functioned as a place for the royal family to hold a religious ceremony for Manusa Yadnya rituals such as weddings and tooth filing ceremony .
Kerta Gosa was also once functioned as a convention center court that during the Dutch colonial bureaucracy in Klungkung (1908-1942) and since the appointment of the head of local indigenous officials in the kingdom of Klungkung ( Ida I Dewa Agung of Klungkung State ) in 1929 . In fact , the former court equipment such as chairs and tables that use wood carvings and paint prade still there . The objects are evidence of indigenous heritage of traditional institutions such as the courts ever apply in Klungkung in the colonial period (1908-1942) and the period of Japanese occupation ( 1043-1945 ) . In 1930 , restoration of the painting ever done puppet contained in Kerta Gosa and Bale Kambang by the artists of Kamasan painting and restoration of paintings last conducted in 1960 .

Besakih Temple

 Besakih, the Largest Religious Hindu Temple In Bali
Besakih Temple is a worship place of Hindu religion in Bali and in the temple is not only there is a temple , but a lot of temples . Because there are so many temples in the area , the Besakih Temple in Bali is the biggest temple in Indonesia . Besakih Bali is often called by the name Pura Besakih . Location there at Besakih Besakih village , Rendang sub district , Karangasem regency , Bali .
Besakih Pura Baliterdiri of 1 center named Penataran Pura Besakih and there are 18 companion who run around from Penataran Besakih . 1 piece Pura Pura Basukian and 17 others . If you 've ever seen pictures of this temple you will see numerous stair gate and there is a very large , this is the entrance gate to the central area Penataran Besakih .
Besakih Temple in Bali is the center of religious activity for Balinese Hindus and Penataran Besakih is the biggest temple in the temple region . Besakih Penataran most have a place or a building to worship the Balinese call Pelinggih name and is the center of the temple .

 Overview of the Pura Besakih
This is the origin there Besakih , before there is nothing there only timber and place it in the wilderness , so before there Segara Rupek ( Strait of Bali ) . The island of Bali and Java first one and yet still be separated by the sea . The island is long and named the island Dawa . In East Java, Mount Rawang ( now known as Mt roar ) there was a hermit named Yogi or Rishi Markandeya .
He came and Hindustan ( India ) , by the escort - escorts called Batara Giri Rawang for the sanctity of the spirit, skills and wisdom ( magic sidhi ngucap ) . At first, the Yogi Markandeya meditated in the mountains Demulung , then moved to the mountain Hyang ( supposedly it was DIYENG Hyang mountain in Central Java who came and said DI Hyang ) . So long he was imprisoned there , got a decree from Widhi Hyang Wasa so that he and his followers in the island forest merabas Dawa after completion , so that the land was distributed to his followers .
The Yogi Markandeya execute the decree and immediately set off to the east with the escort - escorts less than a 8000 people . Upon arrival at the destination the Yogi Markandeya told all the escorts working merabas wilderness , carried out as it should .
When merabas forest , many of the Yogi Markandeya escort the sick , the dying and the dead there is also eaten by wild beasts , because it is not preceded by a ceremony yadnya ( bebanten / offerings)
Then stopped and the forest perabasan Yogi Markandeya back again to the original hermitage ( the mountain is said to roar in East Java . During some time the Yogi Markandeya lived in the mountain roar . Upon a time were considered to be good ( Adult Ayu ) he wants to continue perabasan back woods it to the opening of new areas , accompanied by the sages and ascetics who will be invited to jointly presented to invoke wara nugraha Widhi Hyang Wasa for the success of this work . escorts this time over 4,000 people who came and Age village ( population at the foot of the mountain roar ) with bring more agricultural equipment including seeds that will be planted in the forest it would dirabas . Upon arrival at the destination , the Yogi Markandeya immediately tapa yoga meditation together and presenting other yogis upakara yadnya , namely God Yadnya and Yadnya blind . After the ceremony was finished , his followers were put to work to continue perabasan the forest , cutting down trees and others started and south to north . Due 've seen quite a lot of forest dirabas , then thanks Asung wara nugraha Widhi Hyang Wasa , the Yogi Markandeya ordered perabasan forest , it was stopped and he started to divisions of land for the followers of each used as paddy fields , dry fields and housing .

In a place where the forest begins perabasan The Yogi Markandeya a pitcher plant ( Payuk ) of water , also in the form of metal Pancadatu gold , silver , copper , iron and bronze with jewel Mirah Adi ( major gems ) and upakara ( bebanten / offerings ) sprinkled more pangentas tirta ( holy water ) . The place where the means were planted BASUKI named . Since that time the followers of the Yogi Markandeya who came on time and the next time the forest merabas for opening new territory , no longer overwritten as the disaster which has ever experienced before. Thus little ejection Markandeya Purana excerpts from the origin of the existence of the village and the temple of Besakih which as mentioned earlier is named Basuki and later in its development until today named Besakih .
Perhaps based on that experience, and also based on what is contained in the teachings of the Hindu religion on the Panca Yadnya , so far every time Hindus would build something good building houses , shops, offices, until the construction of the temple , as well as begin work on rice fields or in enterprises , they must first hold upakara yadnya like Nasarin or Mendem Building Basics . Afterwards work began , with hope in order to get success in the Hindu religious spiritual side businesses that work with physical and personnel skills or expertise that they have. Further attention to the contents of the earlier ejection Markandeya Purana and is also connected with the realities that we witness everyday to date on the livelihood of the people , especially in the case of traditional village setting and subak in rice fields . Therefore we can conclude that the Besakih is the first place our ancestors who moved from the mountain roar in East Java initially build a village and employment , especially in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry . Similarly, developing the teachings of Hinduism .