Bali Paradise Island

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Menjangan Temple

If the area of ​​South Bali Nusa Lembongan has a separate island located from Badung regency , Bali western part of the area has Menjangan Island separated by oceans . Menjangan Island is part of the western region of Buleleng , precisely located in the district Gerokgak . To go to this island , can travel by boat or ferry about 30 minutes ride from Labuan Lalang .

The island has a spacious 1.75 acre barren forest areas that are not occupied by the public . But this place is often used as a place for worship and spiritual activities both meditation activities . This place is visited by people of Buleleng and from outside the city who want to perform prayers at pretending that exist there . It will be obvious at the time of certain festivals of Hindus . As for pretending that there is:
1 . Pura Klenting cider
2 . Parks cider / beji
3 . Kebo Iwa pasraman
4 . Pasraman Dewi Kwan Im
5 . Gajah Mada pasraman
6 . Pura Segara Giri

The name itself is taken from the animal deer mostly inhabit this island from time immemorial . Menjangan is a type of animal that is still one race with cow / deer . Until now only a few tail deer still survive amid drought which includes the place . Compared to the days of old , where the island is home to the deer . But the population is increasingly down . Finally, the government made ​​efforts deer kekawasan returns this knowledge back around 1980 . Menjangan addition , there is also the Bali starling bird which is one of the rare birds of Indonesia. But the numbers are very small. For the edge of the beach life is not less interesting to the land because in the beach area contains various types of corals / coral reefs are very beautiful . There are about hundreds of species of fish that can be found in this region . This place is the only area of ​​the north coast of Bali's white sand .

For the journey to Labuan Lalang , before heading to Menjangan Island , the trip can be reached via public transport from the terminal Banyuasri Singaraja and take approximately 76 km towards the west . May also be started from the office Scuba Diving in Lovina area . For those coming from the west , can by road Jembrana - Gilimanuk , if from the South , can travel Pupuan -Singaraja , or those who come from the east , can travel through Amlapura - Singaraja .

Penataran Dalem Peed Temple

Penataran Ped Temple , Nusa Penida
In a village , precisely in the village of Ped , Sampalan , Nusa Penida , there is a very famous temple throughout Bali . Ped Penataran name of the shrine.
Located approximately 50 meters south shore Nusa Strait . Because of the very wide influence throughout Bali , Ped Penataran agreed as Goda Jagat Pura . This temple is always crowded pemedek to invoke the safety , welfare , kerahayuan , and tranquility . Until now , the temple is very well known as one of the most spiritual attractions of interest .
At first , information about the existence of a very Ped Penataran maze . The sources of information about the history of the temple was minimal , giving rise to a long debate . Group ( Puri Klungkung , Puri Gelgel and Mangku Rumodja - Mangku Lingsir ) mentions the temple named Penataran Ped . The others , especially the healers in Bali , called Pura Dalem Ped .
A spiritual aspirant and the original author of Satra village , Klungkung , Dewa Ketut Soma in his writings about " Pura Ped Glance " assume that the second term of the two different versions of it are true. According to him , it would mean Upgrading Pura Dalem Ped . Only , one party offers penatarannya . One more highlight dalemnya other parties . In addition , some of the instructions that mentions that the temple was originally called Pura Dalem . In the book " History and History of Pura Dalem Nusa Ped " written

Drs . Son Prata said Wayan Pura Dalem Ped originally called Pura Dalem Nusa . The renaming is done in the time figures Klungung I Dewa Agung . Renaming it after Ida Rauh and his Pepatih Abiansemal together in tandem ( mapeed ) with the intention of coming to Nusa witness the truth of the existence of three tapel information is magic in Pura Dalem Nusa . Because of his magic , tapel - tapel was even able to cure various diseases , which affects both humans and plants . Previously , Ida
Rauh Abiansemal also had lost three tapel . As it turned out , so watch three existing tapel Pura Dalem Nusa it is three tapel who had disappeared from his residence . However , Ida Rauh not take it back tapel - tapel with Nusa residents maintain records properly and continuously perform ceremonies as mestinya.Kesaktian three tapel was not only heard by Ida Rauh , but to all corners of Bali . Including , Subak residents Sampalan then face plant pests such as mice , walang rice pest and others . When he heard the magic three tapel , a Klian subak was sent to watch tapel
The Pura Dalem at Nusa . Once there , Klian Subak Subak Sampalan begging grace in order to avoid the various diseases that attack their crops . The request was granted . Not long ago , a plant disease that goes away from Subak Sampalan . Until finally Subak residents can enjoy the fruits of plants such as rice , and other crops .
In keeping vows , residents held a ceremony later mapeed . The move was followed by another Subak Subak - around Sampalan . The news of the ceremony mapeed it sounds to all corners of Nusa . Since then I Dewa Agung of Klungkung Pura Dalem Nusa rename the Pura Dalem peed ( Ped ) .
However, it is as if uncontested . Because a public figure Ped village , Wayan Sukasta , expressly stated that the actual name of the temple is Penataran Ped . Evident from the trust citizens around this time . While there is mention of the temple as the Pura Dalem , Pura Dalem is not that a part of the Tri Goda ( Puseh , and Bale Agung Dalem ) . Rather Dalem for the title of King ruling in Nusa Penida at that time . " Tradional ruler or king in question is a powerful queen or queen Gede Gede Nusa Mecaling , " he said .
There are five locations in the united temple area Penataran Ped . Pura Segara , as Batara Baruna berstananya place , located in the northern part close to the sea shore Nusa Strait . A few meters south-facing garden with a pond there are temples around the shrine is in it .
This temple serves as a place of purification .
Leads to its west again , there is the main temple of Queen Upgrading Mecaling Gede Nusa ruler as a symbol of supernatural power in his day . On the east side there is another queen pelebaan Mas . Jaba last in the middle there is the Bale Agung is Linggih - god Batara on ngusaba time .
Each tried equipped shrines , bale perantenan and other buildings as a function of each temple . In addition , there is a compound in a position that has been shaped building wantilan hall banjo Badung regional model which is used for performing arts .
The entire building is in Penataran Ped has experienced improvement or restoration . Unless sacred objects . For example , the two statues of the statue of Queen Gede Mecaling existing temple and statue of Queen Gede Mas Queen 's in the Queen Pelebaan Mas . Both statues that no one dares touch it .
Likewise other sacred buildings . Even if there is an attempt to fix , it is done by making a similar building next to the sacred building .
There are improvements that continuously it , making almost all buildings in Penataran Ped formed with plaster - stucco permanent cement and lime . Including asagan which typically is made of bamboo which is an emergency , but made ​​permanent with cement plaster . At the very least , it has given rise to the impression of rigid temple Pakraman the diempon 18 . Pengemponnya start Kutampi village to the west . The existence of a number of buildings sacred temple , temple impact on the environment . Sacred atmosphere is believed to have been created since the beginning of the existence of the temple.