Bali Paradise Island

Thursday, November 21, 2013


Jimbaran Beach

While you vacation to Bali , surely want to beaches in Bali . One of the beaches that you must visit while on holiday to Bali is Jimbaran attractions . Jimbaran tourist attractions in Bali is the name of the village in Badung regency , Bali , Indonesia . Located in the south of the island of Bali , approximately 15 minutes from Ngurah Rai international airport . On Jimbaran beach there are cafes that serve seafood ( seafood ) . Besides the tourist attractions in Jimbaran area of Bali , is also very famous for the presence of luxury hotels . Before they become tourist attractions , Jimbaran was formerly the village of fishermen . Most of the inhabitants make a living by being fishermen . It's been changed , virtually most of making a living , Jimbaran population is engaged in tourism .

Jimbaran tourist attractions in Bali , located between the tourist area of ​​Nusa Dua and Ngurah Rai international airport . This area also has a beach with white sand , and is famous for its seafood stalls or seafood cafe , while enjoying the atmosphere of the beach and sunset .
If you want to enjoy the view of the sunset and seafood dishes in fuel , Jimbaran tourist attractions one of the best , you can get on the island of the gods . So many available seafood cafe in this area , offering a variety of menus with varying prices . The best time to berkujung to Jimbaran in Bali is a tourist spot just before sunset or approximately at 17:00 . If you come in at 17:00 , the beach is no longer hot and the scenery at sunset yet started . When you are on holiday in Bali , we suggest to you , that you should not miss this wonderful moment , as long as you are on the island of the gods with friends or family .

Bali Paradise Island

in General
Bali is a tourism icon of Indonesia in the eyes of the world . Bali is the center of tourism in Indonesia as well as one of the leading tourist destination areas in the world . Bali is known for tourists as it has a very beautiful natural resources , among others , the tropical climate , green forests , mountains , lakes , rivers , rice fields and beautiful beaches with white sand and black variety . Besides , Bali is known also as a combination of human nature with its unique culture and tradition , which is based on the concept of harmony , and harmony that has embodied an aesthetic ideal condition and high quality .

Bali is one of the provinces of 30 provinces in Indonesia. Bali province consists of the island of Bali , Nusa Penida Island and other small islands have an area of ​​5632.86 km2 ( 0.29 % of the area of ​​the Unitary Republic of Indonesia) . In Bali provincial administration consists of 8 districts , namely Badung , Gianyar , Bangli , Klungkung , Karangasem , Tabanan , Buleleng , Jembrana and one municipality of Denpasar as the center of the provincial capital , District 55 , 701 Rural / Village , 1432 Village People / Village Pekraman and 3045 Banjar Adat .

Bali is located in the area between 7.54 º and 8.13 º south latitude and 114.25 º and 115.43 º East Longitude . Bali island has a strategic location due to traffic connecting land and sea between the islands of Java Nusa Tenggara . Bali island is regionally also has a strategic location as it connects the continents of Asia and Australia .

Geographically, the island has a mountain range that stretches stretching from west to east . Among the mountains with a mountain peak like Mount Agung ( 3,142 m ) , Mount Batur ( 1,717 m ) , Mount Abang ( 2,152 m ) , Mount Batukaru ( 2,276 m ) . Mount Agung and Mount Batur is an active volcano whose condition is still active . To the north and south of these mountains lies the mainland , with the west end to the east end to ± 140 km and the north end to the south end reaches ± 80 km . The lakes are located on the island of Bali is Lake Batur ( 1607.5 broad Ha ) , Lake Beratan ( 375.6 Ha ) , Lake Buyan ( 336 Ha ) , Lake Tamblingan ( 110 Ha ) . In general, rivers in Bali are sourced from the forest and the lake flows into the south , such as Unda river , Patanu river , Ayung River , Pulukan rivers , streams and other Loloan .

Bali and surrounding areas including tropical areas affected by monsoons that change every six months. Area of ​​Bali has two seasons namely dry season which falls in April through October and the rainy season which lasts from October to April. The air humidity in Bali on average reached 79 % and the air temperature varied between 24.0 º C and 32.8 º Celsius . Rainfall that occurred in the area of the Bali varies between the lowest and the highest 893.4 mm 2702.6 mm .

Fauna & Flora
Circumstances fauna in Bali mostly manifested as fauna that has been raised , including cows , buffaloes , goats , pigs , horses , chickens and ducks . For the state as a whole flora of Bali belong to the species of tropical flora . Kind of the natural flora of unprocessed human exist diverse types that grow in the forests . While the flora that are processed include flora species associated with food agriculture ( rice and pulses ) , the plantation business , the business of garden plants and ornamentals . For this type of plantation in Bali which is generally processed include coconut , coffee , clove , tobacco , cotton , rubber , chocolate , strawberry , vanilla and cashew .

The population of Bali province according to 2005 census population of 3,431,368 people . Five previous census recorded the population in Bali as follows : in 1930 the census recorded 1,101,029 people , in 1961 the census recorded 1,782,529 people , in 1971 the census recorded 2,120,091 people , the census in 1980 recorded 2 . 469 930 people , the 2000 census recorded 3,146,999 people .

Balinese or Bali tribe is one of the tribes residing in the Indonesian archipelago . Bali tribe or community is a group of people who are bound by a unity of consciousness or culture , both local Balinese culture and national culture of Indonesia . Sense of awareness of the unity of the Balinese culture is reinforced by the presence of national unity and the unity of the Hindu religion . The Balinese have their own language which is the language of Bali which has a literary tradition both written and oral , and supported by its own script system . Balinese people are very attached to traditional aspects of their lives , which is obliged to worship at a particular temple , mandatory for the community , the land ownership required in one particular subak , obligatory on the social status on the basis of color , the bond patrilineal kinship must be principled , mandatory for membership ' sekeha ' specific , mandatory for a unity administration of certain village .

Balinese society and culture , either because of internal and external dynamics and has undergone various changes . Dynamics and changes in the flow of development will proceed according to the three main traditions that reflect the overall Balinese culture , the ' little tradition ' , ' great tradition ' , and ' modern tradition ' . ' Little tradition ' consists of elements of Balinese culture is derived from the pre - Hindu as it looks in terms of the lives of indigenous people of Bali ( Bali Aga ) . ' Great tradition ' includes elements of society and culture that developed along with the Hindu religion . While the ' modern tradition ' includes elements that have developed since the colonial era , the independence era of information and globalization . The identity of the Balinese are predominantly shaped by the culture of Bali Hindu religion imbued with the support of three main elements , namely Balinese language , art and traditional institutions , and based on the configuration of the basic values ​​that include religious values ​​, solidarity and aesthetic .

Existence of Balinese culture has historical roots that originated from prehistoric times to the modern era and continued global civilization . In its openness to modernization and globalization , Bali culture showing the dynamic nature , selective , flexible and adaptatif . Broadly speaking, the periodization of the history of Balinese culture evolve according to the three main stages , namely the culture of prehistoric era , the era of Hindu - Buddhist religious influences , and cultural influence of the modern era . Discovery of evidence suggests that prehistoric period Bali stems on the era of hunting and gathering food during the modest level . Furthermore the evidence in the form of tools during hunting , the tools in the plant and equipment at perundagian . A special communication that has meaning in the existence and continuation of the development of Balinese culture is the establishment of the Hindu Balinese culture which originated around the beginning of the AD era . Communication is now realizing a complete integration between religious traditions and cultures and to realize the cultural configurations which the identity of Bali . The influence of Western culture that introduced the Dutch , then continue in the framework of integration with national culture and openness internationally through tourism .

History of Bali revealed the presence of a variety of local dynasties and kingdoms . Dynasty is the first time in Bali is Warmadewa Dynasty around the year 913 . In the year 989 - 1011 Dharma Udayana king reigns of the dynasty Warmadewa . He ruled with the empress Gunapriya Dharmapatni , a daughter of East Java and the results of his marriage , was born three sons namely Airlangga , Marakata and Children Wungsu . Then, since the year 1343 , Bali was in power and the kingdom of Majapahit in 1352 under the rule of the dynasty Krishna Kepakisan berkeraton in Samprangan . After several years in Samprangan , in 1380 the palace was transferred to Gelgel and then moved again to Klungkung in 1686 . In addition to the power of Klungkung kingdom , at that time there were also other kingdoms such as Gianyar , Karangasem , Bangli , Badung , Tabanan , Jembrana and Mengwi . At that time these kingdoms role as centers of cultural development .

Bali history also records the arrival time is estimated to enter Islam in the 14th century . While the arrival of the colonial Dutch colonial period occurred in 1597 and according to the history of warfare that occurred in Bali against Dutch colonialism , among others, Buleleng war in 1849 , the war in 1906 Bellows Badung and Klungkung Bellows war in 1908 . Then the physical revolution with the great battle known as Bellows Margarana war on 20 November 1946 under the command of Lieutenant Colonel I Gusti Ngurah Rai who died as a National Hero .