Bali Paradise Island

Friday, November 22, 2013

Ogoh - Ogoh ( Monster Parade )

Ogoh - Ogoh ( Monster Parade ) a sculpture depicting the Balinese culture personality "Bhuta Kala" and has become an icon in the tradition of ritual is very important in the welcome Nyepi or New Year Saka. The entire Hindu Dharma will rejoice to welcome the new year with a procession parading "ogoh-ogoh" that coincided with the contemplation of that has happened and been done so far. By the time "Pangrupukan" or a day before Nyepi, the events and the procession every year is the same on each Banjar (adat Village level) in Bali will compete in terms of making "ogoh-ogoh" as attractive as possible. When making art more valuable, complex, and more recently, the "ogoh-ogoh" that is expected to raise a question of dignity that makes it.

The main function "ogoh-ogoh" Bhuta Kala is a representation made before the celebration of Nyepi Day, where "ogoh-ogoh" will be paraded around the rollicking banjo or village at dusk, a day before Nyepi (Pangrupukan). According to scholars and practitioners of the Hindu Dharma, this procession symbolizes the conviction of the power of human beings of the universe and infinite time earthshaking. That power includes the power "Bhuana Supreme" (the universe) and "Bhuana Alit" (man). In view of philosophy (tattwa), it can deliver the power of living things in the universe, particularly humans can achieve happiness or destruction. It all depends on the intention of the noble man, as God's most precious creatures in keeping himself and the whole world.

In the teachings of Hindu Dharma, Bhuta Kala symbolizes the power of the universe (bhu) and time (when) the immeasurable and undeniable. In the embodiment of the statue in question, "Bhuta Kala" was described as a big scary figure and generally a giant form (rakshasa). Giant meat-eating is a nation of humans or sometimes as a nation of cannibals and described in "Yakshagana", a popular art of "Karnataka". According to Hindu mythology and Buddhist states, the word "rakshasa" means "cruelty", which is the opposite of the word "raksha" which means "peace". But not all have giant personalities cruel, like Wibisana, Hiranyaksa, and Hiranyakasipu, who received a blessing from the gods because they worship Lord Brahma. According to the Ramayana book outlines, that the giant was created from the feet of Brahma. Meanwhile, according to another story, they are derived from figures Pulastya, Khasa, Nirriti, and Nirrita.
In the presence of the procession "Ogoh-Ogoh" which has become a tradition here that adds to the appeal of both foreign tourists and the archipelago. Because in addition to having beautiful tourist spots, Balipun has a rich culture that became the mainstay of tourism. It feels incomplete when tourists visit not see the procession "Ogoh-Ogoh" to welcome Nyepi or New Year Saka.

Balinese Leak

Historical stories Leak Bali
The term leak and Bali are two things that do not terpisahkan.Leak a mystical side in people's lives actually leak Bali.What is Bali ? , , , , A term that is so phenomenal in Bali , and not a little eerie to hear that . sorry i just menginfokan so much to know and not to scare but because this is the culture of the Balinese will never recede
Balinese mythology , Leak , pengleakan and history .
Actually, the term more broadly leak Bali means , that no such thing pengleakan.Pada leak and the Balinese themselves , talking about the word leak or pengleakan still a taboo. A person who is known to have ngleak science should not be mentioned on your ilmunya.Jika believe leak , should not carelessly talk about the leak to anyone you do not know in Bali .
Leak is the name for spirits described as having smooth menakutkan.Makhluk perujudan the so-called leak , there are two names , namely Rangda and celuluk .
1 . Rangda
Rangda is the queen of the leak , supposedly said the embodiment of the Goddess Durgha anger , the wife of Lord Shiva ( Hindu mythology bali ) . His form has a face with bulging eyes , long nails long , very long canine teeth , tongue sticking to foot fireballs above there are a lot of tongue and carrying a white cloth in his hands . Rangda usually appear in Pura Dalem ( temple where worshiping Lord Shiva , always near the cemetery ) padahari certain days , supposedly someone who saw Rangda will be severe pain for 3 days , and someone who is touched with a white cloth belonging to Rangda will die and not be born return ( Reincarnation ) . If you see Rangda , should run like hardness to places as far away , if you 're lucky you can still live longer .

2 . Celuluk
Pengleakan is the teaching of black magic of Bali , where believers will live a life as leak.Mereka who go through life as a leak is said to be gaining immortality . As in other kinds of knowledge , pengleakan also have tiers ( levels ) . Levels pengleak science can be seen from the form when it becomes leak , the lowest is the intangible of a dog , while the highest is intangible monkey . Science pengleakan is taboo in bali , someone who is known to have ngeleak science should not be touched on ilmunya.Jika offense , offenders who have a high level pengleakan said to kill people one village in one night .
Where the origin of magic Sciences leak ?
Leak The story is a very long story , roughly dating back to the kingdoms in Indonesia . It is said that during the reign of Airlangga (1006 - 1042 AD ) , in East Java, a widow living magic mandraguna , which is named from the village called Dayu Datu Girah . The village is located in the coastal region of the kingdom of Kediri . Dayu Datu is then known as Calonarang , which is believed to be the first to write pengleakan witchcraft .
diBali famous anyway ? what to do at Kediri ?
Calonarang write all mastered magic into a " Book " , and by his followers called the Book Calonarang . However MPU magic mandraguna Bharadah who also managed to beat and kill Calonarang , order books and teachings of black magic Calonarang not widespread .

Supposedly the problem Calonarang and magic books already finished up here , but not Calonarang students were killed , and they managed to escape to Bali.Hingga eventually they preserve the knowledge gained from the teacher in Bali . That's why the so-called magic pengleakan it sustainable in Bali .
Interestingly at that time , popular religion is Buddhist Tantric flow . Tantra teaches shortcuts towards Moksha . The ceremony is conducted , among others, dancing on the grave with musical accompaniment ( instruments kangsi and kemanak ) while drinking blood and eating flesh carried corpses at night with bare body .This teaching also later adopted by the king Kertanegara (1268-1292 AD ) of the kingdom Singasari . In this way there was a meeting between the offender ceremonies soul with god ( see also Tantu Panggelaran dissertation manuscript of Th . Pigeud 1924) . Although intended for the good teachings of Tantra , believed Calon Arang also perform a similar ritual that he did to worship / invoke on Batari Durga , which incidentally is one of the goddesses of Hindu religion . Syncretism ?
Pengleakan or pangiwa ( adherents of the Left Flow Science )
The word "left " or leftism everywhere always connotes bad , or against the mainstream . Similarly, the Balinese people , the word " left " is to refer to the class of sciences or teaching contrary to the norms and religion . In this case , the science Pengeleakan classified into " Aji Wegig " . Aji means knowledge , and the nature of love means wegig disturbing others . Because it is negative , then the science is called " panNgiwa " ( derived from the word kiwa Ngiwa ( Balinese ) means the left . Pangiwa means misconduct actor / evil .

Science pengleakan leak or it could be learned from the papyrus - papyrus containing a series of practice the Dark Arts . Are palmyra - palm designation books - books from ancient times , which is made ​​from the leaves of palm trees with a purpose , and on papyrus writing Balinese script filled with language that is very sacred .

The followers or disciples Calonarang who fled to Bali and then write Sciences Pengleakan magic known in the book lontar.Mereka made ​​in four books , namely :

Palmyra Berag Cambra ,
Palmyra sampian Gold ,
Palmyra Tanting Gold ,
Jung palmyra Blue .
Not only others who know the level of science , the science of leak or pengleakan also consists of several levels , namely :
1 . Pengleakan Lower Level .
People who can ngeleak at this level can be transformed into animals such as monkeys , dogs , white chicken , goats , pigs and other females - another .

2 . Intermediate Pengleakan
People who can ngeleak at this level could have been transformed into a high-flying bird Garuda , beak and venomous claws , eyes can get out of fire , also can change into Jake Tungul palm trees without leaves or stems that can remove the stench of fire and toxic .

3 . pengleakan High Level
People who can ngeleak this level can already Bade is transformed into a multi-storey tower pengusungan bodies of twenty-one or overlapping selikur in Balinese and the whole body of the tower containing the spread of fire - sweet so anything that can hit targets burnt to ashes .

It is said that the sciences are written by students Calonarang was only part of what they remember . While the content of the book itself Calonarang much more complete , and certainly much more mengerikan.Itulah bit of history Leak Story of Bali , which we summarize dar various sources .

Beach Tanah Lot Bali

Location beach Tanah Lot, located in the village Braban, Tabanan. The village is a beach managers provide ample parking area. From the parking area visitors must pass through the path to the location of the beach. The admission price for adults for tourists in the country Rp 10,000 per person, while children Rp 7,500,000 per person. Just as in another favorite tourist attraction, admission for foreign tourists is also different. Tickets for adult foreign tourists Rp 30,000 per person, and children of Rp 15,000 per person. Ticket entrance opened at 7:00 to 19:00.
A temple building stands majestically on the rocks on the shore. In accordance with the place, the temple of Tanah Lot temple named. Holy place for Hindu people of Bali are very guarded sacredness, not everyone who comes is allowed entry into the temple area. Only those who have the goal of prayer should be allowed to enter and use the scarf. If the water was high tide, to go to the temple area, must ride the boat, because the sea water exceeds 2 meters at low tide than approximately 0.5 meters.

The beauty of Panorama Sunset

By late afternoon the tourists began to arrive. The sun is sinking moved beautify the atmosphere. You will not be in vain to take the time from Kuta or Nusa Dua beach heading to Tanah Lot. Twilight charm so impressive with Kecak dance performances enliven the atmosphere that adds to the beauty of the beach Tanah Lot. Simply by paying Rp 50,000 for all ages, you can watch the dance around 17:30 pm. Dancers numbering more than 20 people and most of the men. In the spirit of the dancers shout cak ... cak ... cak ... broke the silence.

Taman Saraswati Temple Ubud

Travel to Ubud Bali, what's there not to like? If there is, most of the cause is due to the prices in the Ubud area attractions, is more expensive than anywhere else in Bali. Most of the foreign and domestic tourists, always planned to visit tourist attractions in Ubud. Here there are many hotels from five star to budget hotels. Moreover, Ubud is also very famous for white water rafting, better known by the name Ubud Ayung rafting.
The village of Ubud, is very famous for its arts and culture, and every day in the sights of Ubud, Bali held art performances. One is the Balinese Kecak dance performances. Ubud is one of the best places to watch the Kecak dance in Bali, in addition to watching the Kecak dance at Uluwatu. One of the Kecak dance performances in Ubud is Taman Saraswati Temple in Ubud.

Watching Kecak dance at Taman Saraswati Temple Ubud
 Before we explain about the Kecak dance at Pura Taman Saraswati Ubud . It's good we wrote a bit about the Temple Taman Saraswati Ubud .
As you know , the temple is a sacred place of Hindu religion in Bali , and Ubud temple Saraswati Park is one of them . This temple , as the name suggests is a place of worship Goddess Saraswati ( Goddess of Knowledge ) . The location of this temple , located in Ubud highway .
Pura Taman Saraswati Ubud , a little different from other ostensibly in Bali . This temple , which has an abundant lotus flowers and lotus ponds here , the main attraction of the temple of Saraswati . If you like the look typical of Ubud Bali carving , this is the place to look . Almost every building the temple , there is a sculpture of the artists of Ubud .
This temple has pemantasan Kecak dance stage , and the stage surrounded by a lotus pond . When you vacation in Bali and planning to watch the Kecak dance in Ubud Taman Saraswati , you should first consider , schedule Kecak dance performances in Ubud Taman Saraswat . Not every day , Kecak dance performances held in this temple .
Kecak Dance Performance Schedule At  Taman Saraswati Temple Ubud
Tuesday and Thursday , starting the show at 19:30 , with a ticket price of Rp 75,000 per person . Kecak dance performances brought by the group dance Sandhi Sound .

One of the must-visit tourist spot in Bali is Ubud. Tourism Ubud Bali, has made many tourists are amazed and kept wanting to go back to one of the tourist attractions in Bali's most visited domestic and foreign tourists. Attractions Ubud is famous for water travel or known as Ayung Rafting and Ubud art tour and one of them is the art of Balinese Kecak dance. Many tourists who travel to Ubud Bali, do not feel complete if not menononton pertujukan Kecak dance Ubud. Certainly not be difficult for tourists to get a chance to watch a dance that is sometimes referred to by the name Kecak fire dance Ubud.

Schedule and Ticket Prices Kecak Dance Ubud
If you want to watch the Kecak fire dance in Ubud, staging Kecak dance is only performed at night. Kecak dance performance Ubud, usually starting at 19:00 hours. In Ubud there are two famous places to watch the Kecak dance. Place pertujukan Kecak dance in Ubud staged include Pura Dalem Ubud and Padang Tegal Ubud Kaja. Please note, not every day Kecak dance staged at Pura Dalem Ubud and Padang Tegal Ubud Kaja. Please see the schedule below, for certainty staging place, ticket prices and hours Kecak dance performances in Ubud.




In addition to a regular schedule of Kecak dance Ubud above, there is another schedule Kecak dance which is only held during the full moon. Staging area at the time of the full moon in the absence of Ubud Arma Museum, scheduled performances at 18:45, with a ticket price of Rp. 100.000.

Monkey Forest Ubud

Ubud Monkey Forest
Ubud is very well known to kemancanegara art, nature and culture. Obviously a lot of things you can do in Ubud. Like seeing terraced rice fields in Ubud Ubud, rafting tour in Ubud, Ubud watch Kecak dance and holiday art to the museum very much contained in Ubud. When you hear the name of one of the attractions in Bali, the Ubud monkey forest. Even if you have never been on holiday to this attraction, you must know its name, that you will be able to see the monkey in one of Ubud's attraction.

Ubud monkey forest one tourist attraction in Ubud is a must-see , if you were on vacation in Bali . Is an area of ​​protected forest and in this forest , there is a sacred Hindu temple of Bali . Surname attraction Mandala Ubud monkey forest is Wenara Travel Wana , but better known as the Sacred Monkey Forest Sanctuary .
So if you come to Bali you have visited this place other than natural is beautiful and cool you will also be able to see the thousands of monkeys there are ready to greet you


 Ubud Bali tourist, tourist places in Bali that many foreign tourists and domestic tourists who are interested to visit. Tourist attractions in Ubud Bali, is a very famous districts semejak 1930s. Tourist attractions in Ubud Bali, located in Gianyar regency which has many artists and can be said to be a cultural center of Bali arts, specifically painting, carving, sculpture, traditional Balinese dance and music. The village of Ubud from Denpasar airport, located approximately 40 kilometers, and with a car you will take time for one half hour.

Ubud village , local art very often referred to as an international village . All the people who have known tourist spots Ubud Bali definitely say , Ubud is worthy of bearing the title of an international village . Most of the side of the road in ubud area there are restaurants, hotels , galleries and shops selling local crafts .

Tourist attractions in Ubud Bali is very famous well-known , both in Indonesia and abroad , districts that have a location that lies between the fields and forests flanked by ravines with rivers , which makes this location , depicting nature very beautifully . In addition to its natural condition , Ubud is also famous for its art and culture and is growing from year to year . Most people of Ubud , their daily life can not be separated from the elements of art and culture . Also some community livelihood as an artist . Both artists painting , crafts artist or dance artists . If you are looking for art galleries , then you have come to Ubud , because here there are many art galleries , as well as performances of music and dance , which is performed every night turns in all directions .

Also in Ubud attractions also include five-star hotels , for the tourists stay . In addition to five-star hotels , in Ubud attractions are also many lodging at a cheap price . Maybe you often hear about the Sukawati art market , Ubud art market and there are also better known as the Ubud Art Market . Ubud art market , also sells local handicrafts at bargain prices as the market Sukawati .

Jegog Kerawitan

Jegog Kerawitan 

Jegog musical arts is one of the distinctive features and the richness of Balinese culture. Have you heard or even witnessed this Jegog? If so, you include of the few lucky ones who have been given the opportunity to witness one of the ancient arts in this country, particularly the island.
Jegog art is art with a musical instrument made of bamboo tree with a large size and produce a melodious voice and the rhythm that captivates. Approximately 90 percent of the instrumentation used in this art using bamboo as the main material, in a variety of sizes. Starting from the largest thickness is 300 cm long, 18 cm diameter and a thickness of 2 cm.

Jegog usually played by two groups who showed strength and their ability to play music with each other . It is called also Mebarung , which is sometimes coupled with an exciting and creative dance songs by the players of the team, to produce a work of art that is so fantastic , solid and natural . Art is usually a lot of attention and admiration invite foreign tourists from abroad are very likely only here they can see it.

Currently , there are about 56 groups Jegog lived in many villages . Suar Agung is one of the groups that are Jegog Sangkaragung village , 5 km east of the State, where most of the players are Balinese farmers who fill their leisure time by playing Jegog . Jegog art world has been very popular in Japan , especially for travelers who want to see Jegog always done in their own homes with visualistiknya unspoiled atmosphere .location Jegog
Art in the Village Jegog Sangkaragung , District State , Jembrana District, Bali Province , Indonesia.

Cattle Gerumbungan Show

Cattle Gerumbungan Show

Cattle Shows Gerumbungan
Have you ever cried watching a show unique nan, Cow Gerumbungan? These activities are often carried out by farmers plowing their fields of Bali when completed and ready for planting. The time around August which is held in the Field Kaliasem, Lovina. Usually this is not only attended by farmers or local communities around the show, but also many of the tourists who come to watch.

Cattle Shows Gerumbungan it's been since the first favored by farmers in Bali . Why Gerumbungan ? Gerumbungan is itself a large bell that hung in the bull 's neck , where a pair of cows that have been trained to be connected at the neck with a wood called with Uga . Gerumbungan cow is grateful heritage is still maintained its existence .
In practice, the choice of a pair of cows will pull the jockey in a series of seating that has been decorated with a variety of equipment Balinese as amazing attractions . This unique ancient tradition has finally been inaugurated by the Regent of Buleleng in 2002 as Group Cattle Wiwit Merta Sari . Since it has been established that even this activity now can be done with a more orderly and well programmed .
Usually this shows held regularly in the Sunday from 8:00 to 10:00 in the village square . Not only dominated by the locals only to be the jockey , even if you happened to be visiting this village can be a jockey . Do not worry about the cows run amok because usually cows included are trained and guided by people who are professionals that will provide an unforgettable experience .location
Cattle show this activity Gerumbungan Bebetin often held in the Village , District Sawan , Buleleng , Singaraja Bali .

Balinese Culture

Balinese Culture

Explore Indigenous Peoples and Culture of Bali
In every nation has certain customs and culture respectively. For that, they have an obligation to preserve and implement all the customs and culture seriously. So it is with the customs and cultures that exist on the island of Bali, which until kinipun still adhered to consistently by the community.
Customs and cultures that exist in Balinese society is closely associated with religion and religious life of the Hindu community. Both have had long historical roots and thus reflect the dominance value expressive configuration and Hindu religious philosophy. In the configuration contained the essence of the religious aspects of the form, the pattern of life, social institutions, and the arts that exist within masyarakatBali.

The majority of Balinese Hinduism which have adhered to the basic framework to include three things: philosophy , ceremonies , and Tata Susila . In essence teachings that Bindu is Cradha Panca means five Widhi Cradha belief is that belief in the existence of Almighty God , Atma Cradha is belief in the atman or soul in every creature , Karma Pala Cradha is confidence in the legal action , Punarbhawa Cradha is the belief the existence of reincarnation or rebirth after death , Cradha moksha is moksha ie belief in eternal happiness .
The pattern of Balinese society is very rigid and tied to the norms of both religious and social . In the context of religious norms , for example , every Balinese Hindus obliged to carry out prayer or worship in certain temples are required to live together in one community , the ownership of agricultural land is required in a particular Subak , are required in social status based on color , on kinship ties required under patrilineal principles .

Balinese settlement structure can be divided into two types: concentric patterns of settlement as it did in the Balinese who live in the mountains and settlements spread out like that happen to people of Bali are located in the lowlands . In the concentric pattern , traditional village which became a central point . While the patterns of spread , the village is divided into a single unit smaller area called Banjar .

Kuta Beach

Kuta Beach

For tourists ( tourist) domestic and foreign , to enjoy the evening on the island of Bali feels incomplete if you have not watch the sunset ( sunset ) at Kuta Beach . The attraction is different from Kuta Beach Sanur Beach is more desirable because of the beauty of the rising sun ( sunrise ) . In addition to panoramic sunset , Kuta Beach also offers views are quite impressive , the line curved crescent-shaped beaches with white sand along the + 2 km .
Before it was transformed into a leading tourist attraction , formerly Kuta Beach is one of the trading port on the island of Bali as the marketing of agricultural products inland communities with buyers from outside . In the 19th century , Mads Lange , a Danish merchant , settled and established a trading base at Kuta Beach . Through negotiating skills , Mads Lange became intermediaries trade between the kings in Bali with the Dutch .
In its development , started the famous Kuta Beach after Hugh Mahbett published a book entitled Praise to Kuta . The book contains an invitation to the local community to prepare in order to support the development of tourism facilities to tourists visiting Kuta Beach . Through the book , the discourse on development of tourism facilities increasingly prevalent , so the construction of lodging, restaurants , and entertainment venues increased.

As the most popular beaches in Bali , beats on Kuta Beach tourist activity moved from the morning until the early hours . In the morning , Kuta Beach is visited by tourists who want to breathe fresh air , take a walk , or look for breakfast . During the day , the tourists both domestic and foreign tourists enjoy the natural scenery while regular sunbathing on the beach . There are also families who bring their children to play or swim in the beach sand .

If the afternoon before , generally increasing the number of tourists to witness the allure of the beach , the sunset (sunset ) . When the night has crept , Kuta Beach atmosphere changed with the atmosphere more lively night life ( night life ) are concentrated in a number of entertainment venues .
Another attraction , Kuta Beach has large waves are a challenge for tourists to do sports surfing (surfing ) . This place also often be surfing the arena of national and world level . Nevertheless, Kuta Beach is also suitable for beginners who are just learning to surf .
Sub-district of Kuta , Badung regency , Bali Province , Indonesia .To go to Kuta Beach , tourists can embark on a journey from the city of Denpasar . From the capital of the province of Bali 's Kuta Beach is located about 11 miles south. From Denpasar tourists can use the services of public transportation ( taxi or minibus ) with long travel about 15-20 minutes .
As a center of tourism destinations in Bali , Kuta Beach has a variety of support facilities , one of which is a training center and equipment rental surf . For tourists who want to learn to surf , this beach is available at special places that rent surfing equipment and guides as well . This beach is also available in the entertainment arena , such as bungy jumping , water boom as well as other gaming arena . In addition , along Kuta Beach there are many cafes , bars , pubs , discos , and live music event that is always crowded by tourists to spend the time or just add entertainment in the evenings .
For shopping enthusiasts , available around Kuta Beach souvenir shops that sell handicrafts in various forms , various kinds of accessories , clothing typical of the coast , as well as T-shirts . Near Kuta Beach there are also supermarkets , hotels, guest house , as well as food stalls and restaurants that serve a variety of dishes with local tastes and global flavors .

If travelers want to just relaxation , on the outskirts of Kuta Beach are the professional masseurs that can directly be hired at a cost of around Rp 20,000 to Rp 40,000 and a half- hour to an hour massage . There are also services that the seller has the skills to beautify the appearance of travelers , such as the makers of temporary tattoos , nail color , and stylist / hair pengepang .

Batur Kintamani

Batur Kintamani

One tourist attraction in Bali which crowded domestic and foreign tourists are Kintamani. Located in the district of Kintamani, Bangli Regency. The journey to this tourist spot of the city of Denpasar about 2 hours by motor vehicles or approximately 79.9 kilometers from Ngurah Rai Airport.
Kintamani providing views of the hills with fresh air and temperatures ranging from 18 degrees Celsius , the same temperature as the air in Bedugul tourist area . The main thing that makes the attraction of this tourist area is the view of Mount Batur and Lake Batur . The mountain is still active and the second most merepakan tinngi mountain after Mount Agung at Besakih area . The main thing that you can do in these places , is enjoying the beautiful view of Mount and Lake Batur while enjoying lunch . Restaurant here , provides a buffet -type food , so you can enjoy the dish as much .

 In Kintamani there is a tourist attraction called Penelokan . In the Balinese language , the word means Penelokan look . Kedisan Penelokan in the village , this area offers mountain landscapes and the cool lake during the day and cold at night . Batur lake crescent-shaped caldera known as the most beautiful in the world by visiting tourists. Expanse of black rocks former eruption of Mount Batur was used as the location is very very interesting pre-wedding photo shoot .

On the shores of Lake Batur are the thermal baths . According to the story of the hot water baths can cure various skin diseases . The hot springs originate from springs near Mount Batur . Every tourist who visit never miss an opportunity to enjoy the natural hot spring pools .

Journey in Kintamani can also proceed to the north toward a temple , the Pura Batur . This temple is one of the important temples in Bali . Besides, you also can visit an old village by crossing the lake . Precisely Truyan village that is Bali Aga village or village customs law is still very strong . In this village the bodies of the dead are not buried . But put under the tree incense , so that no odor because it is inhaled by the smell of incense from the tree .