Bali Paradise Island

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Tirta Gangga

Tirta Ganga , A Kingdom Water Park
In the middle of rice fields and surrounded by lush green hills , the location Tirtagangga so peaceful and beautiful . Tirtagangga a water park belonging to the royal family of Karangasem kingdom . Located in the village of Ababi , about 83 km from Denpasar or 6 miles north Amlapura , the capital of Karangasem regency .
The water park was built in 1948 on the initiative of the King of Karangasem , Anak Agung Ketut Karangasem Anglurah . The architecture of this water park is a combination of Balinese and Chinese architectural styles . Before it is built into a water park , water sources have been there before , which is used by people to meet their basic needs for water , but also as holy water is believed to purify any bad energy around the area.
Tirta means water is blessed and is taken from the name of the river Ganges in India . The water from the springs of water Tirtaganga regarded as sacred by the Hindus in Bali . This water is used for religious ceremonies in temples in the area to date . These springs are required for the ceremony organized by temples around Tirtagangga which can be reached on foot .

Entering the park can be seen that there is a pond on the right side is decorated by decorative stones placed around the pool , while the other serves as a bridge . Statues of gods and goddesses stood majestically in the middle of a pool of cold water . Goldfish swimming in the water , their scales shine like sunlight reflected into the water . This section is Swah level . At this level , where in addition to the two ornamental ponds , there is also a swimming pool where local residents or visitors can enjoy a swim in the cold springs .
Extensive water park is 1.2 hectares , consists of three levels of land stretching from east to west . At the secondary level , Bwah level , there is a fountain next to the fruit stand elegant Nawa Sanga . And in Bhur level , on the left side of the road , straight from the entrance to the west there is a large pond with an island in the middle .
This water source produces a very large pure water . One third of the water flow is used to provide drinking water for the city Amlapura . Some flowed to the top of the pool through an underground pipe , while the other goes into the lower pool and to irrigate the fields that surround the water park .
This place is great for freeing themselves from the hot weather because the weather in this area is quite hot . Leisurely stroll or dip your feet into cold water so much fun , or take some photos of the beautiful sights .

Taman Ujung Karang Asem

The tip of the park , also known as Ujung Soekasada Park is one of the historical attractions that exist in Karangasem regency . Taman Ujung is located in the eastern region of Karangasem regency , in the village of Tumbu , which can be reached about two hours from Denpasar .
Parks Edge is a heritage site of Karangasem kingdom . This park was built in 1919 by the last King of Karangasem , I Gusti Bagus Jelantik , who reigned in Karangasem between 1909 and 1945. The eruption of Mount Agung in 1963 destroyed the palace of water and getting damaged by a major earthquake in 1979. But the government has made the restoration of this place .
erdasarkan the results of archaeological - historical investigation can be seen that this park is an example of acculturation matching between local traditional architecture ( Bali ) with European and Chinese architecture . Balinese architecture is evident in the form of decoration motifs puppet stories and other patra motifs , Dutch architecture seen in the form of the building that has indis style , and look at the making of Chinese architecture entrance gate , pool segidelapan , and Round Bale ( blank bale ) .

A long concrete bridge connects the parking area and the area of ​​the palace . At the end of the bridge there is a spacious garden . On the north side of the building there is a small white square in the middle of the main pool which is connected by two bridges on either side . The building was previously functioning as a king bedroom , meeting room , family room , and others . Here you can see old photos of Taman Ujung and also some photos of the royal family .
In addition to the main pool , there is also a pool with bale , an open Balinese traditional building , in the middle of it . Taman Ujung complex architecture combining Balinese and Europe . At the top of the hill teradapat remains of a building that looks like a chapel but has a Balinese style with carving on the wall . On the other hand , there is a large statue of a rhino and a bull underneath. From here you can enjoy views of the sparkling blue sea , lush green forests , and of course the mighty Mount Agung which dominates the view of the sky .

Trunya Village

Trunyan is a village located on the edge of Lake Batur , Kintamani district , Bangli Regency . Trunyan has a unique tradition that made ​​the local people from the past until now , bury the body in a way that is laid out on the ground is called Sema Wayah . This unique tradition is very well known by locals and foreign tourists to become tourist attraction .
Generally , in Bali , the dead person is buried or burnt ( cremation ) . However , unlike the case with the very bloodline successor Bali Aga village Trunyan . The person who died was not buried or burned , but left to rot in the ground long shallow basin shaped .
The position of the bodies lined up side by side with the other , complete with wrapping fabric as body armor at the time the procession . Looks just the face of the slit bamboo " Saji shelf " . Saji is a bamboo rack isosceles triangle which serves to protect the remains of wild animal attacks .
This is a unique tradition in our village , the bodies left to rot into the skull , but not foul smelling , " said Putu Dahlia , a local guide who introduces the story Trunyan to tourists .
Not far from where the bodies and skulls lined up , there is a large tree called the tree " Taru incense " greeted at the main entrance . " Taru " means tree and " incense " means fragrant .

According to the legends and beliefs of the people there until now , the tree that is believed to be able to neutralize the stench spread around the cemetery or Setra . When foot stepped inside , both sides of the temple are decorated skull " armed " rupiah coins are placed visitors .
Stepping deeper , where there are nine bodies lay neatly lined up . Age and condition of the bodies varied . All depends on the time of death the corpse . If fitting coincidence , visitors can find real condition of the body in one piece adjacent to the conditions of the bodies that have become skull .
Visitors , both local and foreign , freely taking photos of the place of the skull was laid . Around here , a lot of bones that could accidentally trampled by the feet while staring at around graves .
Coin money , personal equipment lifetime , torn clothes sticking out of the ground . This scene will adorn the impression traces of human life is lived in the village of Trunyan has ended here , on a plot of land covering an area of less than one acre and berundag .
Here , apparently not all bodies can be buried in Sema Wayah , Trunyan Village . Sema Wayah is only for people who died a natural death , has married , single , and young children who had dated his milk teeth .

While infants who die will be buried at a different location called Sema Young . Similarly, people who died because of an accident will be buried at Sema Bantas . All have been differentiated according to the rules and principles applicable in the village .
Someone who died a natural death would be buried in the Sema Wayah . Procession burial , the bodies will be taken by boat from the village of Trunyan with residents and families , " said Putu .
To reach Trunyan Village , visitors can access via landline is about 45 minutes from Panelokan , or visitors can also access via dock in Kedisan using the boat that had been prepared .
To reach the cemetery Trunyan or Sema Wayah , visitors can be in two ways , namely through and through the village of Port Kedisan Trunyan .
When passing Trunyan Village , visitors reach only about 15 minutes boat trip along the shore of Lake Batur If passing the pier , visitors can take a boat trip about 45 minutes to cross the lake Batur .
Visitors can prepare Rp 500,000 round-trip charter once , usually have a package with guide services . Sampan boats are also available , suitable for tourists who pairs .
Been to Trunyan can put together a tour package when you 're visiting Kintamani and Lake Batur . From any angle anywhere, Mount Batur will present the saving power of his charm unique tradition . The flurry of people fishing and taking care of fish cages is the daily work of the local people there .