Bali Paradise Island

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Kentel Gumi Temple ( Klungkung )

Pura Agung Kentel Gumi as one Triguna Temple or heaven Three Bali, has several temples groups. Temple is being renovated and is about 43 km from Denpasar city, located in the village of Anzac, Banjarangkan, Klungkung. What can be understood from the existence of the temple which is where nunas kerahayuan universe and thick with the symbolic meaning of this? How soon after the restoration of the architectural appearance?

Basically, the temple is a symbol of a mountain or the universe, a place sacred to connect themselves and adore the Creator Hyang greatness with his various prabhawa. Here, Pura Agung Kentel Gumi serves as a worship God in His manifestation as Sang Hyang Maker Bhuwana (creator of the universe).

Based on papyrus "King Purana Batur", Pura Agung Kentel Gumi is one of the temple or Tri Guna Goda Three Bali, the Pura Puseh as Bali, please place kedegdegan and kerahayuan universe. While Pura Pura Batur as his village, where beg fertility, and Pura Pura Dalem Agung Besakih as his, where the sanctity of scale-noetic pleading. So, Pura Agung Kentel Gumi also be a very important part of the temple which is in heaven Jagat-sungsung entire Hindu.

 It is said that first, starting from the pole tancapan an MPU Kuturan, as Pacek or pegs, to make a place into pancer universe or the earth giving basis constancy gumi Bali previously often broke ganjing by unrest in the lives of its people. From the state that is supposedly recovering Kentel Gumi name originated. Kentel means viscous or solid, has the meaning of "familiar", while gumi means the earth, the world or the ground.

Roughly, Kentel Gumi means "realization of unity and oneness is thick with atmosphere of intimacy and peace of life on earth". Or have a symbolic meaning: the re-establishment of existence spirituality island by MPU Kuturan previously devastated due to the power of King Maya Denawa who ruled in 962 AD-975 AD MPU Kuturan successfully re-enforce social discipline and Bali resident who previously destroyed by the Mayan uprising Denawa.

Three Groups

Pura Agung Kentel Gumi which has a total area of ​​around 50 acres is basically a temple complex. Has three groups: (1) Pura Agung Kentel Gumi, in which there are about 19 buildings sacred (palinggih), (2) temple Maspahit with five palinggih; (3) temple Masceti which has seven palinggih. There are three groups of temples in the area upstream offal or temple (main mandala), which is limited only pretending panyengker each other.

In the west of the three groups was found Perantenan Holy temple, Bale Paebatan (bordered by Jaba middle), and the Pura Bale Agung (bordered by Jaba side). So, what Meru buildings contained in the innards of Pura Agung Kentel Gumi? Section where the temple renovated or restored? Is there a shift or the addition of supplementary palinggih or building a new one?

Mount Meru symbol Mahameru, Stana deities, Lord-goddess ancestor based lontar "Jaya Purana", "Chess Wariga Winasa Sari", "Kesuma Gods", "Widhi Literature", and "Puranas Gods". Meru philosophical foundation of trust against a mountain background purified, stana the gods and ancestral spirits. For the purposes of worship, the sacred mountain symbolized by replicating form of the building Meru. In this temple, Meru overlap 11 (eleven) is stana Batara Sakti. Meru intercropping 9 as Linggih Batara Mahadeva, overlapping 7 stana Batara Segara, overlapping 5 Linggih Batara in Batur, and the overlapping 3 stana Batara Ulun Danu.

Got Confidence

Although not clear when the Pura Agung Kentel Gumi began to be built, however, citing the twist of "Chronicle Bendesa Mas", this temple was built by the MPU Kuturan. Even then - supposedly - after undergoing refurbishment, as mentioned several palinggih existed before MPU Kuturan come. While the king who ruled (MPU when Kuturan arrive and build the Great Temple Kentel Gumi) was during the reign of King Sri Krishna Kepakisan who ruled Bali in 1350 AD, after the Supreme Gajah Mada conquered the power of King Sri Asta Ratna Bumi Banten Sura. When the reign of King Sri Krishna Kepakisan (in the 14th century) that the state of the king, the people and nature really stable, when attention is focused on the construction and development of the Great Temple Kentel Gumi.

God's creation in the early universe embody a balanced way before humans took part pollute and destroy nature. Human efforts and future generations is in addition to always keep the harmony of the universe preservation society also. In his every person should perform obligatory prayer offerings or increase the rate at Hyang Creator spirituality, in order to constantly improve the goodness of every human behavior. The Lord is also worshiped as the giver of stability in a broad sense.

So, some might say palinggih created as a place stana God with all His manifestations made pursuant papyrus "Asta Gods" and "Asta Kosala-Kosali". On the other hand, as a spiritual tribute to the MPU Kuturan, built palinggih Manjangan Saluang. There is also palinggih which serves as a place of worship Brahma, called Chess palinggih Front. Place of worship God as Parama Shiva, Sada Shiva and Shiva (Stana Tri Bhuwana MPU), called the Great Studio palinggih Rong Telu, in addition there are various other palinggih called pasimpangan.

Meduwe Karang Temple

 Located in the village of Kubutambahanm , District Kubutambahan ± 12 km east of Singaraja City , approximately 1 km from the junction of Singaraja , Kubutambahan and Kintamani . This temple begged place plants in fields managed and well bias . Cluster of stairs lead visitors to an area outside the temple ( jabaan ) broad on the front decorated stone sculptures padas , 34 in number , were taken from the characters and scenes of the Ramayana story .
Environmental Maduwe Pura Karang Temple is one of Bali's environment has been known to foreign tourists before the Second World War . In the era of foreign tourists come to Bali by sea in the port of Buleleng . In this place while waiting for the tourists to use public transport time to visit the neighborhood in the village of Pura Beji Sangsit , Environmental Maduwe Pura Pura Kubutambahan.Lingkungan Reef Village is comprised of three levels , namely Jaba temple outside the temple compound or jabaan , Middle Jaba , and Offal , the deepest part is the most sanctified . Two stone steps uphill toward Jaba temple , which is decorated on the front stone sculptures the rocks , thirty- four in number , were taken from the characters and scenes of the Ramayana story .

The statue that stands in the middle of the show Kumbakarna fighting and attacked by the army of monkeys Sugriva . A unique, on the wall in the north there are relief carvings of people riding bikes rear wheels are lotus flower leaves . Another attraction is the sculpture of Durga in its manifestation as Rangda , in a sitting position with her ​​knees wide open so that her genitals clearly visible . Placed his right hand on the head of a little boy standing next to his knees , his right foot placed on top of a horned animal that was lying . In another part of the wall of the temple compound there is an equestrian sculpture and carvings Astimuka fly . This figure is depicted together with Sang Hyang Gana ( Ganesha ) , the god with the elephant face . Confines of the temple is located in the Coral Maduwe Kubutambahan Village , 12 km East of Singaraja .
Unique , at the bottom of the wall to the north, there are relief carvings of people riding bikes rear wheel is made from the leaves of the lotus flower .
Based on the historical origins of Pura Meduwe Reef , which is derived from the results of the study and research of the history of temples in Bali in 1981/1982 by the local government of Bali in cooperation with the Institute of Hindu Dharma ( IHD ) Denpasar , Pura Maduwe Coral , built in the 19th century AD , precisely in 1890 by the local migration , from the village of Bulian , an ancient Balinese village , to the location of the village Kubutambahan .
In accordance with the terms used , called Pura Maduwe means that memilikim Coral Reef ( own land , in the form of dry land ) Kubutambahan Village , New migrant settlement Bulian village of origin . So therefore , Pura Maduwe Reef status and rank as perlak temple ( Pura Subak Abian ) that diempon , cuddly , and disiwi disungsung by karma Subak Kubutambahan whose origins are from immigrant farmers Bulian village . In other words Maduwe Pura Karang