Bali Paradise Island

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Pulaki Temple

Pulaki , Temple with Spectacular Views in North Bali
This temple is located in the village of Banyu Poh , District Grokgak , in the western district of Buleleng , and lies at the foot of the hill right in front of the beach . It is one of the biggest Hindu temple in Bali located on the western coast town of Singaraja or 1 hour drive to the west of the city . During the rainy season , the dry brown hills around the temple back green sparkles . The architecture is dominated by black and white stones , as if some part of the temple is carved hills .

The monkeys roam inside and outside the temple , take the offerings brought by visitors . So you should keep valuables and it is better to not wear something that can attract the attention of the monkeys . When you visit this temple , a common sight seen are the ones holding the wand to drive away the monkeys away .

On the other hand , Pulaki Temple has spectacular views to be enjoyed . Entering the temple , you will arrive in the middle , and from this it can be seen clearly that the Java sea blue beautiful , framed by green hills on the right and left . There are more stairs to climb if you want to enter the main part where the visitors put their offerings and pray . In the main part no quieter , because the monkeys hanging from the branches of trees waiting for the right moment to steal the fruits of offerings . Visitors have been accustomed to the noise made ​​by the monkeys and they still pray with full concentration .

Part of a more spectacular for review is upper temple complex , where there is a narrow street that will be a little slippery during rainy days . Make sure you pass this way when you visit Pulaki Temple . You would walk around in the middle of a cornfield locally , while your eyes may be tempted by the beautiful scenery of the sea and the hills , and the sound of the ocean will cool you on a hot day .

Ngaben ( Cremation Ceremony )

Ngaben is cremation ceremony or cremation of Hindus in Bali , Indonesia. Ngaben event is a ritual performed to send the bodies to the next life . The bodies should be put asleep, and the family left behind will continue to think so ( asleep ) . No tears , because the bodies are there temporarily and will undergo reinkarnasa or find pengistirahatan last in Moksha ( free from the wheel of death and reincarnation ) .
Days corresponding to these events are always discussed with people who understand . On this day , the body is placed in a coffin corpse - dead . Peti - dead is placed in the sarcophagus that resembles the Ox or temple -shaped container made ​​of wood and paper . Form of a bull or the monastery was taken to the cremation site through a procession . The procession is not running on a straight road . This is to confound evil spirits and keep him away from the corpse .
The main event is the burning of generous nature Ngaben structure ( Ox or temple made ​​of wood and paper ) , along with the bodies . Fire is needed to liberate the spirit from the body and facilitate reincarnation .

Cremation is not always done with segaera . For members of high caste , it is reasonable to perform this ritual within 3 days . But for members of the lower castes , the bodies were buried first and then , usually in a group event for a village , cremated .
Cremation is a cremation performed Hindus in Bali , the ceremony was conducted for the ancestral spirits menyucian deceased to the place of final resting by means of burning bodies .In man has several elements , and all of this is driven by the life / spirit given by the Creator . When the man died , which left only the remains of a ballpark alone , while the spirit is still there and continues until the end of time eternal . At that time the cremation ceremony occurs as a process of purification of the spirit as it leaves the rough body .
The word itself has a sense of cremation ashes all stock or goal lead on the last release of the existence of human life . In Hinduism Lord Brahma has some intention other than as a creator god Brahma is also believed to have intentions as the God of Fire . So the cremation ceremony itself is a process of spiritual purification by fire using the fire to be able to go back to the creator , the incarnation of Lord Brahma fire could burn all impurities attached to the bodies and spirits of people who have meningggal .
The cremation ceremony is considered very important for Hindus in Bali , cremation ceremony is perujudan because of the respect and affection of the people who left , also regarding the social status of the family and the person who died . With cremation , the family left behind to liberate the spirit / ghost of deeds ever done the world and deliver them to the eternal heaven and back again reincarnated in a different form .
Cremation is done with a series of ceremonies , consisting of a variety of such offerings do not forget laced with symbols like other rituals are often performed Hindus in Bali . His usual cremation ceremony is passed on a large scale , this all takes a long , laborious and also cost a bit and could result in cremation is often done in a long time after death .
At the present time the Hindu community in Bali often perform mass cremation / joint , for meghemat existing costs , where the bodies of those who died prior to temporarily interred until sufficient new charge carried on , but for the people and families who can afford cremation ceremony can be performed immediately , temporarily interred the bodies in the house , while waiting for a good time . There was less good assumption when the storage bodies in the house too long , because the spirit of the dead person becomes confused and unsettled , he felt being alive between 2 nature and always want to quickly freed .
Implementation of the cremation itself should first consult with the pastor to menetapkankan when a good day to do the ceremony . While waiting for a good day to be set , usually the family and the community assisted crowded troop conduct Preparation corpse ( Bade / coffin ) and a bull -shaped replica made ​​of bamboo , wood , colorful paper , which will be to the crematory .
Ceremony held in the morning when the whole family and the community will gather to prepare the ceremony . Before the ceremony the bodies of executed first cleaned / washed , baths pelaksaaan process led by a pastor or a person of caste Bramana .
Once the process is complete baths , corpse makeup dressed in traditional Balinese clothes , and all the family members gathered to pay their last respects and accompanied by prayer that the consecrated spirits find peace and be in a better place .
Bodies that have been washed and dressed in the clothes placed in " Bade / coffin " and on the stretcher in a gang , all members of the family and the community marched in front of " Bade / coffin " . During the way to the ceremony where , if there is an intersection or junction , Bade / coffin will be rotated around three times , it is believed that the spirits are confused and do not come back again , in the bodies no sobs, no good for the corpse , as if not willing to deliver top kepergiannya.Arak departure procession accompanied by the sound of gamelan corpse , chanting suci.Pada front and rear side Bade / coffin contained the stretcher white cloth that has meaning as a bridge for the spirits to be able to the place of origin .
After reaching the location grave or furnaces that had been prepared , the corpse in the input / put on / in the " Replica shaped ox " which has been prepared by first pastor or a Brahmin chanting and prayer , and ceremony Ngaben implemented , then " Ox " burnt to ashes . The ashes from the cremation inserted into the ivory palm fruit later in larungkan / dihayutkan to the sea or river is considered sacred .
From the above it can be concluded that pemamaparan cremation is cremation ceremony in Bali that when sacred and exalted , this ceremony is an expression of respect addressed to a deceased person . The ceremony is always performed on a large scale , not all Hindus in Bali to implement because it requires expensive cost .