Bali Paradise Island

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Dalem Temple Jagaraga

Pura Dalem / Dalem Temple Jagaraga
As many people know that Bali is building its temple or place of worship for Hindus in Bali is predominantly Hindu . Therefore , almost across Bali 's religious buildings can be easily found . Countless exactly how many temple in Bali. Each tried certainly has its advantages and its own appeal , especially for tourists , both domestic and foreign .

Pura Dalem temple Jagaraga is one full of attraction for tourists who visit it . This temple is one of the temple environment Goda Three Jagaraga which generally have characteristics similar to other Dalem temple in Bali such as proximity to the grave , has a statue ornaments are faced sinister and frightening that such a famous statue of Durga Betara that.

Some uniqueness can be seen in the neighborhood of which this Jagaraga temple has bas-reliefs on the front wall on the outside of the temple compound , where the reliefs that depict old-fashioned combat aircraft , armed robbery , boat , people who were drinking beer . Also is certainly not less interesting is the presence of a statue of Men Branyut , which is fairly well known folklore that describes too many families who have children and parents described the ups and downs is full of cuteness .


But unfortunately despite already widely visited by travelers temple compound is not yet available facilities specially built for tourists . The road in front of the temple compound used as parking for tourists who visit the temple compound . This sort of thing is what is fundamental in supporting infrastructure for tourists who should be constructed so that those who come can come up with a comfortable , interested , and eventually have an impact on cash income - reliji these tourist sites .


Pura Dalem Jagaraga environment in the village Jagaraga , or about 11 miles east of Singaraja right in the street department Singaraja - Sawan .

Ngusaba Bukakak Giri Emas Village

Ngusaba Bukakak
SINGARAJA - Pekraman Rural Communities ( Indigenous ) Sangsit Dangin Yeh , District Sawan , Buleleng , Bali hold a large-scale ritual activities called ngusaba bukakak .

Ritual activities involving all local residents to coincide with Galungan Holy Day , the victory of Dharma ( goodness ) against Adhrma (evil ) on Wednesday evening .

Continuous ritual activities held biennially centered in Pura Subak Sangsit . Locals are worked together to create " bukakak " as a symbol of gratitude for the abundant agricultural harvests .

The series of ritual activities among procession " Melis " cleanse the sacred objects to carry the " skid " the large size of the cake to the Temple Mount Sekar , located to the east of the Office Perbekel Gold Giri .

" Skid " which carried with it when it arrived at Pura Gunung Sekar , the men carrying the " bukakak " sprinkled tirta by local stakeholders temple .

Shortly after sprinkled tirta , residents ran over backwards to subak temple and scrambling to carry the " bukakak " .

But some other people there waiting in Pura Gunung Sekar and make the formation of " human chain " to " bukakak " more easily carried into Jaba Pura Gunung Sekar .

After passing through a series of ceremonies at Pura Gunung Sekar , " bukakak " brought back down to the highway . Once on the highway , Ida Batara already tedun in " bukakak " would indicate that carries the road and residents can only follow where wishes Ida Batara .

Kelian Pakraman Sangsit Dangin Yeh , Ketut Jro Setiawan explains , tradition ngusaba " bukakak " is a tradition carried down from generation to generation .

Ngusaba done as an expression of gratitude to Ida Batara over abundant harvest .

According to Setiawan , actually " ngusaba bukakak " done once a year at full kadasa . But it costs a great caring staff . Once discharged ngusaba minimum Rp60 million , so it was decided to do two years.

SINGARAJA - Pekraman Rural Communities ( Indigenous ) Sangsit Dangin Yeh , District Sawan , Buleleng , Bali hold a large-scale ritual activities called ngusaba bukakak .

Ritual activities involving all local residents to coincide with Galungan Holy Day , the victory of Dharma ( goodness ) against Adhrma (evil ) on Wednesday evening .

Continuous ritual activities held biennially centered in Pura Subak Sangsit . Locals are worked together to create " bukakak " as a symbol of gratitude for the abundant agricultural harvests .

The series of ritual activities among procession " Melis " cleanse the sacred objects to carry the " skid " the large size of the cake to the Temple Mount Sekar , located to the east of the Office Perbekel Gold Giri .

" Skid " which carried with it when it arrived at Pura Gunung Sekar , the men carrying the " bukakak " sprinkled tirta by local stakeholders temple .

Shortly after sprinkled tirta , residents ran over backwards to subak temple and scrambling to carry the " bukakak " .

But some other people there waiting in Pura Gunung Sekar and make the formation of " human chain " to " bukakak " more easily carried into Jaba Pura Gunung Sekar .

After passing through a series of ceremonies at Pura Gunung Sekar , " bukakak " brought back down to the highway . Once on the highway , Ida Batara already tedun in " bukakak " would indicate that carries the road and residents can only follow where wishes Ida Batara .

Kelian Pakraman Sangsit Dangin Yeh , Ketut Jro Setiawan explains , tradition ngusaba " bukakak " is a tradition carried down from generation to generation .

Ngusaba done as an expression of gratitude to Ida Batara over abundant harvest .

According to Setiawan , actually " ngusaba bukakak " done once a year at full kadasa . But it costs a great caring staff . Once discharged ngusaba minimum Rp60 million , so it was decided to

Beji Temple Sangsit

Pura Beji Sangsit ,
Variety of Ornamental unique with typical Buleleng

Build local knowledge in an area of the course must be rooted in natural and cultural potential . Such efforts to conserve the typical range of development stretching hia , historical values ​​, religious aesthetic architecture in many temples in Buleleng . One of the peculiarities of the temple is a temple representing Beji , Sangsit , Buleleng . Anything that can be traced from the existence of this temple ?

Pura Beji is located in the village of Sangsit , District Sawan , Buleleng and be around 8 km to the east of the city of Singaraja 's got its own uniqueness . This temple has a mass clusters holy building is very massive and loaded with distinctive carving style Buleleng .

It is said that , before the arrival of the era of Dang Hyang Nirartha , region or district of Buleleng North Bali is known as the Den Hill area . At the beginning of human life in Bali , where they began to live in the eastern region of Buleleng . At the beginning of the emergence concept predicted that " Padma Bhuwana " in the arrangement of temples in Bali . Particularly in the area east of Buleleng . One of the temples including the Pura Beji Sangsit .

As ever revealed by Ida Pandita Nabe Sri Bhagawan Sri Dwija Warsa Nawa Sandhi , pretending mentioned entry in the structuring concepts , namely Panegil Dharma Temple , ostensibly in the village Bulian , Coral Meduwe Pura , Pura Dalem Puri , Temple Mount Sekar ( Guruyang / Teacher Hyang ) , Pura Beji , Pasupati temple , Pura Water Sanya ( Water Sanih ) and Pura Bukit Sinunggal .

It is also mentioned , in the days Kesari Warmadewa , Besakih no . In its development after the arrival MPU Kuturan , followed by the arrival of the era of Dang Hyang Nirartha in Waturenggong Dalem , where ostensibly concept " Padma Bhuwana " laid back more within the scope of the entire area of Bali . Such as the development and establishment Besakih pretend Goda Jagat other existing to date . Among these are included the temple as Goda Jagat Pura Luhur Batukaru , Tanah Lot , Uluwatu , until Goa Lawah .

Narrated in the days Waturenggong eastern region of Buleleng deemed inappropriate populated areas . Even when it became a place of disposal, including retreats Anglurah Ki Panji Sakti . However, no exact data , exactly when it happened . Regardless of the environment Pura Beji known as subak temple for Sangsit Pakraman is said to be the temple compound to worship Dewi Sri - the goddess who is believed to be related to the fields of agriculture , creating rice as a staple food , and the giver of prosperity .

Happenings was apparently related to decorative shapes that appear in all parts of Pura Beji sacred building . Motifs of flowers or plants vines wrap around groups of buildings or palinggih who were there . At the beginning of the temple briefly , the great kori , until the whole building worship , full size style florals distinctively Buleleng : cukilan wide , shallow but pointy .

Doctrine Philosophy
Plants or flowers are used as a motif carving at Pura Beji actually is as one manifestation of the teachings of philosophy ( tatwa ) Hinduism , shown through symbols sacral relief . Berdigestilir florals tendrils philosophically plants symbolize fertility and prosperity .

Pura Beji order itself consists of three areas ( mandala ) that is a compound side , middle jaba , and offal . On the side there is a bale Jaba acne that has been modified the decoration style . Between Jaba Jaba side with the middle connected by briefly temple , which still shows the distinctiveness of decorative Buleleng . In the middle of a compound page , on the north side there was a bale and bale saka paebatan Roras . While standing on the south side of the bale sakapat and sakaulu . All the buildings were masted wooden , tin-roofed .

Entering the page innards , no temple brackets ( kori agung ) on the left with his right bebetelan . Floral designs on carving also very dominating as found in the temple briefly . At the back of the great kori no protective cover that the arching . On page offal was also a bale gong ( Preferred kutus tin-roofed ) , gedong simpen ( roofed ) , bale congregation called parallelogram samah ( Preferred Roras thatched roofed ) , two bale Piasan ( saka nem , on either side , roof shingles ) , gedong grand ( thatched roofed , on the fourth ridge there is a relief dragon ) is at the peak of the roof stands a statue ( small size ) angel wings .

On the left side of the great ancestral shrines are palinggih gedong Ida Ayu god Batara Kesaren alongside palinggih Bagus Ngurah Pengastulan lotus god . Most northeast corner there palinggih lotus god Bagus Ngurah Beraban ( in which there ranks / pasimpangan ) . According to one of the local stakeholders , the materials used for building the shrine - including temple briefly , kori agung and panyengker puranya - wall is the original sandstone ( " Sangsit face " ) of Banjar Abasan .

Spiritual activities
Through the existence of Pura Beji architecture that is " specific " , it virtually is a medium of communication for the community . Through the implied meaning through form view and carvings , architectural Pura Beji is a spiritual activity container , as a product of culture , giving clarity identity or identities .

Pura Beji may be constructed through the process when the Balinese agreement with ar holistic design of the undagi in ancient times . They have seen the basic spiritual needs of local communities , territorial feelings , feelings of belonging and sincere homage to the One God of the universe 's creation . Manifestations represent norms and aesthetic expression of human love in the universe , complementary and giver of life .

Look into the human dimensions of religious behavior , is as one element of the program design undagi past . In addition to views on life , the human relationship with nature , experience the mystery , that all of it as part of the foundations of human behavior in their activities . The presence of rice fields , residential and others , on the one hand is a part of the physical elements of the environment that affect the realization of the architecture of the temple on the spot .

So true identity owned Pura Beji is a mission for the preservation of the cultural heritage of Bali . Which must be maintained by continuing to apply the concept of social unity that support the advancement of civilization Bali . In the end of course should lead to the conservation of the existence of Pura Beji , both seen in the sphere of conservation of physical units ( kesatuankelompok building with physical identity ) that is able to " explain " in detail about the physical background of buildings Pura Beji and territory . Or was included in the visual view of the unit , a visual identity in the region , which is the image of the region .

Pura Beji environment as a work of historical architecture religious should remain in its historical location , as well as keeping the original visual background that is already aligned , such as pattern , shape , scale , color , texture , material and ornamentation of sacred buildings or building complement. Pura Beji decorative Sangsit does have attributes , identity providers puranya architecture .

Lemukih Waterfall in Buleleng

Lemukih Waterfall Buleleng
If you want to hunt waterfalls in Buleleng regency seemed to place, such as this one Lemukih waterfall valley, which is located in the village of Lemukih, Buleleng districts. Located about 72km from the city of Denpasar, through Mengwi-Bedugul toward Singaraja, the streets to the winding location with views of the valley and the mountains are beautiful, the weather was quite cool was cool after entering the Bedugul area, a hallmark of Buleleng, hilly area filled with gardens high cloves, unspoiled natural feel of this, giving a speech every visitor arrived at the destination before actually.

After arriving at the park , proceed through the path about 200 meters , the terrain is not much draining, because there is no terrain is too steep , cool and cheerful atmosphere in the journey , an adventure down the path by the natural feel of unspoiled countryside and away from pollution . And finally to destination in fact , three waterfalls on display in front of the eyes , green natural charm combined with the roar of the waterfall was so harmonious . Although the waterfall is not so high , is only 4 feet high and 2 most lower waterfall there next to him .
Lemukih waterfall , located in a quiet nature , has not been a lot of visitors , as it seems not many tourists are aware of the location of this waterfall , so we can freely be able to enjoy both the bathing and swimming , photo -photo -and see the charm of the waterfalls . Set your tour trips to enjoy and explore the beauty of the existing attractions in North Bali .