Bali Paradise Island

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Beji Temple Sangsit

Pura Beji Sangsit ,
Variety of Ornamental unique with typical Buleleng

Build local knowledge in an area of the course must be rooted in natural and cultural potential . Such efforts to conserve the typical range of development stretching hia , historical values ​​, religious aesthetic architecture in many temples in Buleleng . One of the peculiarities of the temple is a temple representing Beji , Sangsit , Buleleng . Anything that can be traced from the existence of this temple ?

Pura Beji is located in the village of Sangsit , District Sawan , Buleleng and be around 8 km to the east of the city of Singaraja 's got its own uniqueness . This temple has a mass clusters holy building is very massive and loaded with distinctive carving style Buleleng .

It is said that , before the arrival of the era of Dang Hyang Nirartha , region or district of Buleleng North Bali is known as the Den Hill area . At the beginning of human life in Bali , where they began to live in the eastern region of Buleleng . At the beginning of the emergence concept predicted that " Padma Bhuwana " in the arrangement of temples in Bali . Particularly in the area east of Buleleng . One of the temples including the Pura Beji Sangsit .

As ever revealed by Ida Pandita Nabe Sri Bhagawan Sri Dwija Warsa Nawa Sandhi , pretending mentioned entry in the structuring concepts , namely Panegil Dharma Temple , ostensibly in the village Bulian , Coral Meduwe Pura , Pura Dalem Puri , Temple Mount Sekar ( Guruyang / Teacher Hyang ) , Pura Beji , Pasupati temple , Pura Water Sanya ( Water Sanih ) and Pura Bukit Sinunggal .

It is also mentioned , in the days Kesari Warmadewa , Besakih no . In its development after the arrival MPU Kuturan , followed by the arrival of the era of Dang Hyang Nirartha in Waturenggong Dalem , where ostensibly concept " Padma Bhuwana " laid back more within the scope of the entire area of Bali . Such as the development and establishment Besakih pretend Goda Jagat other existing to date . Among these are included the temple as Goda Jagat Pura Luhur Batukaru , Tanah Lot , Uluwatu , until Goa Lawah .

Narrated in the days Waturenggong eastern region of Buleleng deemed inappropriate populated areas . Even when it became a place of disposal, including retreats Anglurah Ki Panji Sakti . However, no exact data , exactly when it happened . Regardless of the environment Pura Beji known as subak temple for Sangsit Pakraman is said to be the temple compound to worship Dewi Sri - the goddess who is believed to be related to the fields of agriculture , creating rice as a staple food , and the giver of prosperity .

Happenings was apparently related to decorative shapes that appear in all parts of Pura Beji sacred building . Motifs of flowers or plants vines wrap around groups of buildings or palinggih who were there . At the beginning of the temple briefly , the great kori , until the whole building worship , full size style florals distinctively Buleleng : cukilan wide , shallow but pointy .

Doctrine Philosophy
Plants or flowers are used as a motif carving at Pura Beji actually is as one manifestation of the teachings of philosophy ( tatwa ) Hinduism , shown through symbols sacral relief . Berdigestilir florals tendrils philosophically plants symbolize fertility and prosperity .

Pura Beji order itself consists of three areas ( mandala ) that is a compound side , middle jaba , and offal . On the side there is a bale Jaba acne that has been modified the decoration style . Between Jaba Jaba side with the middle connected by briefly temple , which still shows the distinctiveness of decorative Buleleng . In the middle of a compound page , on the north side there was a bale and bale saka paebatan Roras . While standing on the south side of the bale sakapat and sakaulu . All the buildings were masted wooden , tin-roofed .

Entering the page innards , no temple brackets ( kori agung ) on the left with his right bebetelan . Floral designs on carving also very dominating as found in the temple briefly . At the back of the great kori no protective cover that the arching . On page offal was also a bale gong ( Preferred kutus tin-roofed ) , gedong simpen ( roofed ) , bale congregation called parallelogram samah ( Preferred Roras thatched roofed ) , two bale Piasan ( saka nem , on either side , roof shingles ) , gedong grand ( thatched roofed , on the fourth ridge there is a relief dragon ) is at the peak of the roof stands a statue ( small size ) angel wings .

On the left side of the great ancestral shrines are palinggih gedong Ida Ayu god Batara Kesaren alongside palinggih Bagus Ngurah Pengastulan lotus god . Most northeast corner there palinggih lotus god Bagus Ngurah Beraban ( in which there ranks / pasimpangan ) . According to one of the local stakeholders , the materials used for building the shrine - including temple briefly , kori agung and panyengker puranya - wall is the original sandstone ( " Sangsit face " ) of Banjar Abasan .

Spiritual activities
Through the existence of Pura Beji architecture that is " specific " , it virtually is a medium of communication for the community . Through the implied meaning through form view and carvings , architectural Pura Beji is a spiritual activity container , as a product of culture , giving clarity identity or identities .

Pura Beji may be constructed through the process when the Balinese agreement with ar holistic design of the undagi in ancient times . They have seen the basic spiritual needs of local communities , territorial feelings , feelings of belonging and sincere homage to the One God of the universe 's creation . Manifestations represent norms and aesthetic expression of human love in the universe , complementary and giver of life .

Look into the human dimensions of religious behavior , is as one element of the program design undagi past . In addition to views on life , the human relationship with nature , experience the mystery , that all of it as part of the foundations of human behavior in their activities . The presence of rice fields , residential and others , on the one hand is a part of the physical elements of the environment that affect the realization of the architecture of the temple on the spot .

So true identity owned Pura Beji is a mission for the preservation of the cultural heritage of Bali . Which must be maintained by continuing to apply the concept of social unity that support the advancement of civilization Bali . In the end of course should lead to the conservation of the existence of Pura Beji , both seen in the sphere of conservation of physical units ( kesatuankelompok building with physical identity ) that is able to " explain " in detail about the physical background of buildings Pura Beji and territory . Or was included in the visual view of the unit , a visual identity in the region , which is the image of the region .

Pura Beji environment as a work of historical architecture religious should remain in its historical location , as well as keeping the original visual background that is already aligned , such as pattern , shape , scale , color , texture , material and ornamentation of sacred buildings or building complement. Pura Beji decorative Sangsit does have attributes , identity providers puranya architecture .


  1. Its realy beautiful temple in north Bali and recomended for who have holiday in Bali.
