Bali Paradise Island

Friday, November 22, 2013

Balinese Leak

Historical stories Leak Bali
The term leak and Bali are two things that do not terpisahkan.Leak a mystical side in people's lives actually leak Bali.What is Bali ? , , , , A term that is so phenomenal in Bali , and not a little eerie to hear that . sorry i just menginfokan so much to know and not to scare but because this is the culture of the Balinese will never recede
Balinese mythology , Leak , pengleakan and history .
Actually, the term more broadly leak Bali means , that no such thing pengleakan.Pada leak and the Balinese themselves , talking about the word leak or pengleakan still a taboo. A person who is known to have ngleak science should not be mentioned on your ilmunya.Jika believe leak , should not carelessly talk about the leak to anyone you do not know in Bali .
Leak is the name for spirits described as having smooth menakutkan.Makhluk perujudan the so-called leak , there are two names , namely Rangda and celuluk .
1 . Rangda
Rangda is the queen of the leak , supposedly said the embodiment of the Goddess Durgha anger , the wife of Lord Shiva ( Hindu mythology bali ) . His form has a face with bulging eyes , long nails long , very long canine teeth , tongue sticking to foot fireballs above there are a lot of tongue and carrying a white cloth in his hands . Rangda usually appear in Pura Dalem ( temple where worshiping Lord Shiva , always near the cemetery ) padahari certain days , supposedly someone who saw Rangda will be severe pain for 3 days , and someone who is touched with a white cloth belonging to Rangda will die and not be born return ( Reincarnation ) . If you see Rangda , should run like hardness to places as far away , if you 're lucky you can still live longer .

2 . Celuluk
Pengleakan is the teaching of black magic of Bali , where believers will live a life as leak.Mereka who go through life as a leak is said to be gaining immortality . As in other kinds of knowledge , pengleakan also have tiers ( levels ) . Levels pengleak science can be seen from the form when it becomes leak , the lowest is the intangible of a dog , while the highest is intangible monkey . Science pengleakan is taboo in bali , someone who is known to have ngeleak science should not be touched on ilmunya.Jika offense , offenders who have a high level pengleakan said to kill people one village in one night .
Where the origin of magic Sciences leak ?
Leak The story is a very long story , roughly dating back to the kingdoms in Indonesia . It is said that during the reign of Airlangga (1006 - 1042 AD ) , in East Java, a widow living magic mandraguna , which is named from the village called Dayu Datu Girah . The village is located in the coastal region of the kingdom of Kediri . Dayu Datu is then known as Calonarang , which is believed to be the first to write pengleakan witchcraft .
diBali famous anyway ? what to do at Kediri ?
Calonarang write all mastered magic into a " Book " , and by his followers called the Book Calonarang . However MPU magic mandraguna Bharadah who also managed to beat and kill Calonarang , order books and teachings of black magic Calonarang not widespread .

Supposedly the problem Calonarang and magic books already finished up here , but not Calonarang students were killed , and they managed to escape to Bali.Hingga eventually they preserve the knowledge gained from the teacher in Bali . That's why the so-called magic pengleakan it sustainable in Bali .
Interestingly at that time , popular religion is Buddhist Tantric flow . Tantra teaches shortcuts towards Moksha . The ceremony is conducted , among others, dancing on the grave with musical accompaniment ( instruments kangsi and kemanak ) while drinking blood and eating flesh carried corpses at night with bare body .This teaching also later adopted by the king Kertanegara (1268-1292 AD ) of the kingdom Singasari . In this way there was a meeting between the offender ceremonies soul with god ( see also Tantu Panggelaran dissertation manuscript of Th . Pigeud 1924) . Although intended for the good teachings of Tantra , believed Calon Arang also perform a similar ritual that he did to worship / invoke on Batari Durga , which incidentally is one of the goddesses of Hindu religion . Syncretism ?
Pengleakan or pangiwa ( adherents of the Left Flow Science )
The word "left " or leftism everywhere always connotes bad , or against the mainstream . Similarly, the Balinese people , the word " left " is to refer to the class of sciences or teaching contrary to the norms and religion . In this case , the science Pengeleakan classified into " Aji Wegig " . Aji means knowledge , and the nature of love means wegig disturbing others . Because it is negative , then the science is called " panNgiwa " ( derived from the word kiwa Ngiwa ( Balinese ) means the left . Pangiwa means misconduct actor / evil .

Science pengleakan leak or it could be learned from the papyrus - papyrus containing a series of practice the Dark Arts . Are palmyra - palm designation books - books from ancient times , which is made ​​from the leaves of palm trees with a purpose , and on papyrus writing Balinese script filled with language that is very sacred .

The followers or disciples Calonarang who fled to Bali and then write Sciences Pengleakan magic known in the book lontar.Mereka made ​​in four books , namely :

Palmyra Berag Cambra ,
Palmyra sampian Gold ,
Palmyra Tanting Gold ,
Jung palmyra Blue .
Not only others who know the level of science , the science of leak or pengleakan also consists of several levels , namely :
1 . Pengleakan Lower Level .
People who can ngeleak at this level can be transformed into animals such as monkeys , dogs , white chicken , goats , pigs and other females - another .

2 . Intermediate Pengleakan
People who can ngeleak at this level could have been transformed into a high-flying bird Garuda , beak and venomous claws , eyes can get out of fire , also can change into Jake Tungul palm trees without leaves or stems that can remove the stench of fire and toxic .

3 . pengleakan High Level
People who can ngeleak this level can already Bade is transformed into a multi-storey tower pengusungan bodies of twenty-one or overlapping selikur in Balinese and the whole body of the tower containing the spread of fire - sweet so anything that can hit targets burnt to ashes .

It is said that the sciences are written by students Calonarang was only part of what they remember . While the content of the book itself Calonarang much more complete , and certainly much more mengerikan.Itulah bit of history Leak Story of Bali , which we summarize dar various sources .


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