Bali Paradise Island

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Penataran Dalem Peed Temple

Penataran Ped Temple , Nusa Penida
In a village , precisely in the village of Ped , Sampalan , Nusa Penida , there is a very famous temple throughout Bali . Ped Penataran name of the shrine.
Located approximately 50 meters south shore Nusa Strait . Because of the very wide influence throughout Bali , Ped Penataran agreed as Goda Jagat Pura . This temple is always crowded pemedek to invoke the safety , welfare , kerahayuan , and tranquility . Until now , the temple is very well known as one of the most spiritual attractions of interest .
At first , information about the existence of a very Ped Penataran maze . The sources of information about the history of the temple was minimal , giving rise to a long debate . Group ( Puri Klungkung , Puri Gelgel and Mangku Rumodja - Mangku Lingsir ) mentions the temple named Penataran Ped . The others , especially the healers in Bali , called Pura Dalem Ped .
A spiritual aspirant and the original author of Satra village , Klungkung , Dewa Ketut Soma in his writings about " Pura Ped Glance " assume that the second term of the two different versions of it are true. According to him , it would mean Upgrading Pura Dalem Ped . Only , one party offers penatarannya . One more highlight dalemnya other parties . In addition , some of the instructions that mentions that the temple was originally called Pura Dalem . In the book " History and History of Pura Dalem Nusa Ped " written

Drs . Son Prata said Wayan Pura Dalem Ped originally called Pura Dalem Nusa . The renaming is done in the time figures Klungung I Dewa Agung . Renaming it after Ida Rauh and his Pepatih Abiansemal together in tandem ( mapeed ) with the intention of coming to Nusa witness the truth of the existence of three tapel information is magic in Pura Dalem Nusa . Because of his magic , tapel - tapel was even able to cure various diseases , which affects both humans and plants . Previously , Ida
Rauh Abiansemal also had lost three tapel . As it turned out , so watch three existing tapel Pura Dalem Nusa it is three tapel who had disappeared from his residence . However , Ida Rauh not take it back tapel - tapel with Nusa residents maintain records properly and continuously perform ceremonies as mestinya.Kesaktian three tapel was not only heard by Ida Rauh , but to all corners of Bali . Including , Subak residents Sampalan then face plant pests such as mice , walang rice pest and others . When he heard the magic three tapel , a Klian subak was sent to watch tapel
The Pura Dalem at Nusa . Once there , Klian Subak Subak Sampalan begging grace in order to avoid the various diseases that attack their crops . The request was granted . Not long ago , a plant disease that goes away from Subak Sampalan . Until finally Subak residents can enjoy the fruits of plants such as rice , and other crops .
In keeping vows , residents held a ceremony later mapeed . The move was followed by another Subak Subak - around Sampalan . The news of the ceremony mapeed it sounds to all corners of Nusa . Since then I Dewa Agung of Klungkung Pura Dalem Nusa rename the Pura Dalem peed ( Ped ) .
However, it is as if uncontested . Because a public figure Ped village , Wayan Sukasta , expressly stated that the actual name of the temple is Penataran Ped . Evident from the trust citizens around this time . While there is mention of the temple as the Pura Dalem , Pura Dalem is not that a part of the Tri Goda ( Puseh , and Bale Agung Dalem ) . Rather Dalem for the title of King ruling in Nusa Penida at that time . " Tradional ruler or king in question is a powerful queen or queen Gede Gede Nusa Mecaling , " he said .
There are five locations in the united temple area Penataran Ped . Pura Segara , as Batara Baruna berstananya place , located in the northern part close to the sea shore Nusa Strait . A few meters south-facing garden with a pond there are temples around the shrine is in it .
This temple serves as a place of purification .
Leads to its west again , there is the main temple of Queen Upgrading Mecaling Gede Nusa ruler as a symbol of supernatural power in his day . On the east side there is another queen pelebaan Mas . Jaba last in the middle there is the Bale Agung is Linggih - god Batara on ngusaba time .
Each tried equipped shrines , bale perantenan and other buildings as a function of each temple . In addition , there is a compound in a position that has been shaped building wantilan hall banjo Badung regional model which is used for performing arts .
The entire building is in Penataran Ped has experienced improvement or restoration . Unless sacred objects . For example , the two statues of the statue of Queen Gede Mecaling existing temple and statue of Queen Gede Mas Queen 's in the Queen Pelebaan Mas . Both statues that no one dares touch it .
Likewise other sacred buildings . Even if there is an attempt to fix , it is done by making a similar building next to the sacred building .
There are improvements that continuously it , making almost all buildings in Penataran Ped formed with plaster - stucco permanent cement and lime . Including asagan which typically is made of bamboo which is an emergency , but made ​​permanent with cement plaster . At the very least , it has given rise to the impression of rigid temple Pakraman the diempon 18 . Pengemponnya start Kutampi village to the west . The existence of a number of buildings sacred temple , temple impact on the environment . Sacred atmosphere is believed to have been created since the beginning of the existence of the temple.


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