Bali Paradise Island

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Besakih Temple

 Besakih, the Largest Religious Hindu Temple In Bali
Besakih Temple is a worship place of Hindu religion in Bali and in the temple is not only there is a temple , but a lot of temples . Because there are so many temples in the area , the Besakih Temple in Bali is the biggest temple in Indonesia . Besakih Bali is often called by the name Pura Besakih . Location there at Besakih Besakih village , Rendang sub district , Karangasem regency , Bali .
Besakih Pura Baliterdiri of 1 center named Penataran Pura Besakih and there are 18 companion who run around from Penataran Besakih . 1 piece Pura Pura Basukian and 17 others . If you 've ever seen pictures of this temple you will see numerous stair gate and there is a very large , this is the entrance gate to the central area Penataran Besakih .
Besakih Temple in Bali is the center of religious activity for Balinese Hindus and Penataran Besakih is the biggest temple in the temple region . Besakih Penataran most have a place or a building to worship the Balinese call Pelinggih name and is the center of the temple .

 Overview of the Pura Besakih
This is the origin there Besakih , before there is nothing there only timber and place it in the wilderness , so before there Segara Rupek ( Strait of Bali ) . The island of Bali and Java first one and yet still be separated by the sea . The island is long and named the island Dawa . In East Java, Mount Rawang ( now known as Mt roar ) there was a hermit named Yogi or Rishi Markandeya .
He came and Hindustan ( India ) , by the escort - escorts called Batara Giri Rawang for the sanctity of the spirit, skills and wisdom ( magic sidhi ngucap ) . At first, the Yogi Markandeya meditated in the mountains Demulung , then moved to the mountain Hyang ( supposedly it was DIYENG Hyang mountain in Central Java who came and said DI Hyang ) . So long he was imprisoned there , got a decree from Widhi Hyang Wasa so that he and his followers in the island forest merabas Dawa after completion , so that the land was distributed to his followers .
The Yogi Markandeya execute the decree and immediately set off to the east with the escort - escorts less than a 8000 people . Upon arrival at the destination the Yogi Markandeya told all the escorts working merabas wilderness , carried out as it should .
When merabas forest , many of the Yogi Markandeya escort the sick , the dying and the dead there is also eaten by wild beasts , because it is not preceded by a ceremony yadnya ( bebanten / offerings)
Then stopped and the forest perabasan Yogi Markandeya back again to the original hermitage ( the mountain is said to roar in East Java . During some time the Yogi Markandeya lived in the mountain roar . Upon a time were considered to be good ( Adult Ayu ) he wants to continue perabasan back woods it to the opening of new areas , accompanied by the sages and ascetics who will be invited to jointly presented to invoke wara nugraha Widhi Hyang Wasa for the success of this work . escorts this time over 4,000 people who came and Age village ( population at the foot of the mountain roar ) with bring more agricultural equipment including seeds that will be planted in the forest it would dirabas . Upon arrival at the destination , the Yogi Markandeya immediately tapa yoga meditation together and presenting other yogis upakara yadnya , namely God Yadnya and Yadnya blind . After the ceremony was finished , his followers were put to work to continue perabasan the forest , cutting down trees and others started and south to north . Due 've seen quite a lot of forest dirabas , then thanks Asung wara nugraha Widhi Hyang Wasa , the Yogi Markandeya ordered perabasan forest , it was stopped and he started to divisions of land for the followers of each used as paddy fields , dry fields and housing .

In a place where the forest begins perabasan The Yogi Markandeya a pitcher plant ( Payuk ) of water , also in the form of metal Pancadatu gold , silver , copper , iron and bronze with jewel Mirah Adi ( major gems ) and upakara ( bebanten / offerings ) sprinkled more pangentas tirta ( holy water ) . The place where the means were planted BASUKI named . Since that time the followers of the Yogi Markandeya who came on time and the next time the forest merabas for opening new territory , no longer overwritten as the disaster which has ever experienced before. Thus little ejection Markandeya Purana excerpts from the origin of the existence of the village and the temple of Besakih which as mentioned earlier is named Basuki and later in its development until today named Besakih .
Perhaps based on that experience, and also based on what is contained in the teachings of the Hindu religion on the Panca Yadnya , so far every time Hindus would build something good building houses , shops, offices, until the construction of the temple , as well as begin work on rice fields or in enterprises , they must first hold upakara yadnya like Nasarin or Mendem Building Basics . Afterwards work began , with hope in order to get success in the Hindu religious spiritual side businesses that work with physical and personnel skills or expertise that they have. Further attention to the contents of the earlier ejection Markandeya Purana and is also connected with the realities that we witness everyday to date on the livelihood of the people , especially in the case of traditional village setting and subak in rice fields . Therefore we can conclude that the Besakih is the first place our ancestors who moved from the mountain roar in East Java initially build a village and employment , especially in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry . Similarly, developing the teachings of Hinduism .


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