Bali Paradise Island

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Kerta gosa ( Klungkung )

Kerta Gosa is one of the mainstay attractions of Klungkung regency , Bali . Built in 1686 by Dewa Agung Jambe , Taman Gili Kerta Gosa has unique characteristics that no other tourist attraction . Kerta Gosa is a building open ( bale ) which is officially part of the castle complex Semarapura .
Located in the heart of Klungkung Semarapura Capital District , next to the main market , Kerta Gosa has been renovated and preserved by the government . Within the walls of the traditional Balinese carvings , there are two buildings that stand tall , called Gosa and Bale Bale Kerta Kambang ( Taman Gili ) . Kerta Gosa Bale is a tall building at right angles after the entrance , as well as larger Kambang Bale is located in the center and surrounded by a pool .

 In addition to building beautiful architecture , unique Kerta Gosa is located in the ceiling bale covered with traditional painting Kamasan style . Kamasan is a village in the district Klungkung is famous for painting the hallmark puppet . Kamasan paintings usually take epics such as the Ramayana or Mahabharata as the theme of the painting . Kamasan paintings are usually found in temples as a decoration that has many meanings .
Previous paintings on the ceiling Kerta Gosa made ​​on the fabric , but in 1930 was restored and painted on plasterboard . The paintings on the ceiling Kerta Gosa offers valuable spiritual lessons . If one looks at it in detail , in every part of the ceiling tells a different story , there is a section that tells the story of karma and reincarnation , and other parts describe every phase of human life from birth to death . The painting is divided into six levels , representing the afterlife , and the top is nirvana .
Bale Kambang is a beautiful building in the middle of the pond . Kamasan paintings in the ceiling depicting the story of the epic Sutasoma . Both sides of the bridge towards the bale guarded by statues representing characters from the epic backdrop of lotus pond . Theme in paintings indicates that the building functioned as a place for the royal family to hold a religious ceremony for Manusa Yadnya rituals such as weddings and tooth filing ceremony .
Kerta Gosa was also once functioned as a convention center court that during the Dutch colonial bureaucracy in Klungkung (1908-1942) and since the appointment of the head of local indigenous officials in the kingdom of Klungkung ( Ida I Dewa Agung of Klungkung State ) in 1929 . In fact , the former court equipment such as chairs and tables that use wood carvings and paint prade still there . The objects are evidence of indigenous heritage of traditional institutions such as the courts ever apply in Klungkung in the colonial period (1908-1942) and the period of Japanese occupation ( 1043-1945 ) . In 1930 , restoration of the painting ever done puppet contained in Kerta Gosa and Bale Kambang by the artists of Kamasan painting and restoration of paintings last conducted in 1960 .


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