Bali Paradise Island

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Kentel Gumi Temple ( Klungkung )

Pura Agung Kentel Gumi as one Triguna Temple or heaven Three Bali, has several temples groups. Temple is being renovated and is about 43 km from Denpasar city, located in the village of Anzac, Banjarangkan, Klungkung. What can be understood from the existence of the temple which is where nunas kerahayuan universe and thick with the symbolic meaning of this? How soon after the restoration of the architectural appearance?

Basically, the temple is a symbol of a mountain or the universe, a place sacred to connect themselves and adore the Creator Hyang greatness with his various prabhawa. Here, Pura Agung Kentel Gumi serves as a worship God in His manifestation as Sang Hyang Maker Bhuwana (creator of the universe).

Based on papyrus "King Purana Batur", Pura Agung Kentel Gumi is one of the temple or Tri Guna Goda Three Bali, the Pura Puseh as Bali, please place kedegdegan and kerahayuan universe. While Pura Pura Batur as his village, where beg fertility, and Pura Pura Dalem Agung Besakih as his, where the sanctity of scale-noetic pleading. So, Pura Agung Kentel Gumi also be a very important part of the temple which is in heaven Jagat-sungsung entire Hindu.

 It is said that first, starting from the pole tancapan an MPU Kuturan, as Pacek or pegs, to make a place into pancer universe or the earth giving basis constancy gumi Bali previously often broke ganjing by unrest in the lives of its people. From the state that is supposedly recovering Kentel Gumi name originated. Kentel means viscous or solid, has the meaning of "familiar", while gumi means the earth, the world or the ground.

Roughly, Kentel Gumi means "realization of unity and oneness is thick with atmosphere of intimacy and peace of life on earth". Or have a symbolic meaning: the re-establishment of existence spirituality island by MPU Kuturan previously devastated due to the power of King Maya Denawa who ruled in 962 AD-975 AD MPU Kuturan successfully re-enforce social discipline and Bali resident who previously destroyed by the Mayan uprising Denawa.

Three Groups

Pura Agung Kentel Gumi which has a total area of ​​around 50 acres is basically a temple complex. Has three groups: (1) Pura Agung Kentel Gumi, in which there are about 19 buildings sacred (palinggih), (2) temple Maspahit with five palinggih; (3) temple Masceti which has seven palinggih. There are three groups of temples in the area upstream offal or temple (main mandala), which is limited only pretending panyengker each other.

In the west of the three groups was found Perantenan Holy temple, Bale Paebatan (bordered by Jaba middle), and the Pura Bale Agung (bordered by Jaba side). So, what Meru buildings contained in the innards of Pura Agung Kentel Gumi? Section where the temple renovated or restored? Is there a shift or the addition of supplementary palinggih or building a new one?

Mount Meru symbol Mahameru, Stana deities, Lord-goddess ancestor based lontar "Jaya Purana", "Chess Wariga Winasa Sari", "Kesuma Gods", "Widhi Literature", and "Puranas Gods". Meru philosophical foundation of trust against a mountain background purified, stana the gods and ancestral spirits. For the purposes of worship, the sacred mountain symbolized by replicating form of the building Meru. In this temple, Meru overlap 11 (eleven) is stana Batara Sakti. Meru intercropping 9 as Linggih Batara Mahadeva, overlapping 7 stana Batara Segara, overlapping 5 Linggih Batara in Batur, and the overlapping 3 stana Batara Ulun Danu.

Got Confidence

Although not clear when the Pura Agung Kentel Gumi began to be built, however, citing the twist of "Chronicle Bendesa Mas", this temple was built by the MPU Kuturan. Even then - supposedly - after undergoing refurbishment, as mentioned several palinggih existed before MPU Kuturan come. While the king who ruled (MPU when Kuturan arrive and build the Great Temple Kentel Gumi) was during the reign of King Sri Krishna Kepakisan who ruled Bali in 1350 AD, after the Supreme Gajah Mada conquered the power of King Sri Asta Ratna Bumi Banten Sura. When the reign of King Sri Krishna Kepakisan (in the 14th century) that the state of the king, the people and nature really stable, when attention is focused on the construction and development of the Great Temple Kentel Gumi.

God's creation in the early universe embody a balanced way before humans took part pollute and destroy nature. Human efforts and future generations is in addition to always keep the harmony of the universe preservation society also. In his every person should perform obligatory prayer offerings or increase the rate at Hyang Creator spirituality, in order to constantly improve the goodness of every human behavior. The Lord is also worshiped as the giver of stability in a broad sense.

So, some might say palinggih created as a place stana God with all His manifestations made pursuant papyrus "Asta Gods" and "Asta Kosala-Kosali". On the other hand, as a spiritual tribute to the MPU Kuturan, built palinggih Manjangan Saluang. There is also palinggih which serves as a place of worship Brahma, called Chess palinggih Front. Place of worship God as Parama Shiva, Sada Shiva and Shiva (Stana Tri Bhuwana MPU), called the Great Studio palinggih Rong Telu, in addition there are various other palinggih called pasimpangan.

Meduwe Karang Temple

 Located in the village of Kubutambahanm , District Kubutambahan ± 12 km east of Singaraja City , approximately 1 km from the junction of Singaraja , Kubutambahan and Kintamani . This temple begged place plants in fields managed and well bias . Cluster of stairs lead visitors to an area outside the temple ( jabaan ) broad on the front decorated stone sculptures padas , 34 in number , were taken from the characters and scenes of the Ramayana story .
Environmental Maduwe Pura Karang Temple is one of Bali's environment has been known to foreign tourists before the Second World War . In the era of foreign tourists come to Bali by sea in the port of Buleleng . In this place while waiting for the tourists to use public transport time to visit the neighborhood in the village of Pura Beji Sangsit , Environmental Maduwe Pura Pura Kubutambahan.Lingkungan Reef Village is comprised of three levels , namely Jaba temple outside the temple compound or jabaan , Middle Jaba , and Offal , the deepest part is the most sanctified . Two stone steps uphill toward Jaba temple , which is decorated on the front stone sculptures the rocks , thirty- four in number , were taken from the characters and scenes of the Ramayana story .

The statue that stands in the middle of the show Kumbakarna fighting and attacked by the army of monkeys Sugriva . A unique, on the wall in the north there are relief carvings of people riding bikes rear wheels are lotus flower leaves . Another attraction is the sculpture of Durga in its manifestation as Rangda , in a sitting position with her ​​knees wide open so that her genitals clearly visible . Placed his right hand on the head of a little boy standing next to his knees , his right foot placed on top of a horned animal that was lying . In another part of the wall of the temple compound there is an equestrian sculpture and carvings Astimuka fly . This figure is depicted together with Sang Hyang Gana ( Ganesha ) , the god with the elephant face . Confines of the temple is located in the Coral Maduwe Kubutambahan Village , 12 km East of Singaraja .
Unique , at the bottom of the wall to the north, there are relief carvings of people riding bikes rear wheel is made from the leaves of the lotus flower .
Based on the historical origins of Pura Meduwe Reef , which is derived from the results of the study and research of the history of temples in Bali in 1981/1982 by the local government of Bali in cooperation with the Institute of Hindu Dharma ( IHD ) Denpasar , Pura Maduwe Coral , built in the 19th century AD , precisely in 1890 by the local migration , from the village of Bulian , an ancient Balinese village , to the location of the village Kubutambahan .
In accordance with the terms used , called Pura Maduwe means that memilikim Coral Reef ( own land , in the form of dry land ) Kubutambahan Village , New migrant settlement Bulian village of origin . So therefore , Pura Maduwe Reef status and rank as perlak temple ( Pura Subak Abian ) that diempon , cuddly , and disiwi disungsung by karma Subak Kubutambahan whose origins are from immigrant farmers Bulian village . In other words Maduwe Pura Karang

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Menjangan Temple

If the area of ​​South Bali Nusa Lembongan has a separate island located from Badung regency , Bali western part of the area has Menjangan Island separated by oceans . Menjangan Island is part of the western region of Buleleng , precisely located in the district Gerokgak . To go to this island , can travel by boat or ferry about 30 minutes ride from Labuan Lalang .

The island has a spacious 1.75 acre barren forest areas that are not occupied by the public . But this place is often used as a place for worship and spiritual activities both meditation activities . This place is visited by people of Buleleng and from outside the city who want to perform prayers at pretending that exist there . It will be obvious at the time of certain festivals of Hindus . As for pretending that there is:
1 . Pura Klenting cider
2 . Parks cider / beji
3 . Kebo Iwa pasraman
4 . Pasraman Dewi Kwan Im
5 . Gajah Mada pasraman
6 . Pura Segara Giri

The name itself is taken from the animal deer mostly inhabit this island from time immemorial . Menjangan is a type of animal that is still one race with cow / deer . Until now only a few tail deer still survive amid drought which includes the place . Compared to the days of old , where the island is home to the deer . But the population is increasingly down . Finally, the government made ​​efforts deer kekawasan returns this knowledge back around 1980 . Menjangan addition , there is also the Bali starling bird which is one of the rare birds of Indonesia. But the numbers are very small. For the edge of the beach life is not less interesting to the land because in the beach area contains various types of corals / coral reefs are very beautiful . There are about hundreds of species of fish that can be found in this region . This place is the only area of ​​the north coast of Bali's white sand .

For the journey to Labuan Lalang , before heading to Menjangan Island , the trip can be reached via public transport from the terminal Banyuasri Singaraja and take approximately 76 km towards the west . May also be started from the office Scuba Diving in Lovina area . For those coming from the west , can by road Jembrana - Gilimanuk , if from the South , can travel Pupuan -Singaraja , or those who come from the east , can travel through Amlapura - Singaraja .

Penataran Dalem Peed Temple

Penataran Ped Temple , Nusa Penida
In a village , precisely in the village of Ped , Sampalan , Nusa Penida , there is a very famous temple throughout Bali . Ped Penataran name of the shrine.
Located approximately 50 meters south shore Nusa Strait . Because of the very wide influence throughout Bali , Ped Penataran agreed as Goda Jagat Pura . This temple is always crowded pemedek to invoke the safety , welfare , kerahayuan , and tranquility . Until now , the temple is very well known as one of the most spiritual attractions of interest .
At first , information about the existence of a very Ped Penataran maze . The sources of information about the history of the temple was minimal , giving rise to a long debate . Group ( Puri Klungkung , Puri Gelgel and Mangku Rumodja - Mangku Lingsir ) mentions the temple named Penataran Ped . The others , especially the healers in Bali , called Pura Dalem Ped .
A spiritual aspirant and the original author of Satra village , Klungkung , Dewa Ketut Soma in his writings about " Pura Ped Glance " assume that the second term of the two different versions of it are true. According to him , it would mean Upgrading Pura Dalem Ped . Only , one party offers penatarannya . One more highlight dalemnya other parties . In addition , some of the instructions that mentions that the temple was originally called Pura Dalem . In the book " History and History of Pura Dalem Nusa Ped " written

Drs . Son Prata said Wayan Pura Dalem Ped originally called Pura Dalem Nusa . The renaming is done in the time figures Klungung I Dewa Agung . Renaming it after Ida Rauh and his Pepatih Abiansemal together in tandem ( mapeed ) with the intention of coming to Nusa witness the truth of the existence of three tapel information is magic in Pura Dalem Nusa . Because of his magic , tapel - tapel was even able to cure various diseases , which affects both humans and plants . Previously , Ida
Rauh Abiansemal also had lost three tapel . As it turned out , so watch three existing tapel Pura Dalem Nusa it is three tapel who had disappeared from his residence . However , Ida Rauh not take it back tapel - tapel with Nusa residents maintain records properly and continuously perform ceremonies as mestinya.Kesaktian three tapel was not only heard by Ida Rauh , but to all corners of Bali . Including , Subak residents Sampalan then face plant pests such as mice , walang rice pest and others . When he heard the magic three tapel , a Klian subak was sent to watch tapel
The Pura Dalem at Nusa . Once there , Klian Subak Subak Sampalan begging grace in order to avoid the various diseases that attack their crops . The request was granted . Not long ago , a plant disease that goes away from Subak Sampalan . Until finally Subak residents can enjoy the fruits of plants such as rice , and other crops .
In keeping vows , residents held a ceremony later mapeed . The move was followed by another Subak Subak - around Sampalan . The news of the ceremony mapeed it sounds to all corners of Nusa . Since then I Dewa Agung of Klungkung Pura Dalem Nusa rename the Pura Dalem peed ( Ped ) .
However, it is as if uncontested . Because a public figure Ped village , Wayan Sukasta , expressly stated that the actual name of the temple is Penataran Ped . Evident from the trust citizens around this time . While there is mention of the temple as the Pura Dalem , Pura Dalem is not that a part of the Tri Goda ( Puseh , and Bale Agung Dalem ) . Rather Dalem for the title of King ruling in Nusa Penida at that time . " Tradional ruler or king in question is a powerful queen or queen Gede Gede Nusa Mecaling , " he said .
There are five locations in the united temple area Penataran Ped . Pura Segara , as Batara Baruna berstananya place , located in the northern part close to the sea shore Nusa Strait . A few meters south-facing garden with a pond there are temples around the shrine is in it .
This temple serves as a place of purification .
Leads to its west again , there is the main temple of Queen Upgrading Mecaling Gede Nusa ruler as a symbol of supernatural power in his day . On the east side there is another queen pelebaan Mas . Jaba last in the middle there is the Bale Agung is Linggih - god Batara on ngusaba time .
Each tried equipped shrines , bale perantenan and other buildings as a function of each temple . In addition , there is a compound in a position that has been shaped building wantilan hall banjo Badung regional model which is used for performing arts .
The entire building is in Penataran Ped has experienced improvement or restoration . Unless sacred objects . For example , the two statues of the statue of Queen Gede Mecaling existing temple and statue of Queen Gede Mas Queen 's in the Queen Pelebaan Mas . Both statues that no one dares touch it .
Likewise other sacred buildings . Even if there is an attempt to fix , it is done by making a similar building next to the sacred building .
There are improvements that continuously it , making almost all buildings in Penataran Ped formed with plaster - stucco permanent cement and lime . Including asagan which typically is made of bamboo which is an emergency , but made ​​permanent with cement plaster . At the very least , it has given rise to the impression of rigid temple Pakraman the diempon 18 . Pengemponnya start Kutampi village to the west . The existence of a number of buildings sacred temple , temple impact on the environment . Sacred atmosphere is believed to have been created since the beginning of the existence of the temple.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Pulaki Temple

Pulaki , Temple with Spectacular Views in North Bali
This temple is located in the village of Banyu Poh , District Grokgak , in the western district of Buleleng , and lies at the foot of the hill right in front of the beach . It is one of the biggest Hindu temple in Bali located on the western coast town of Singaraja or 1 hour drive to the west of the city . During the rainy season , the dry brown hills around the temple back green sparkles . The architecture is dominated by black and white stones , as if some part of the temple is carved hills .

The monkeys roam inside and outside the temple , take the offerings brought by visitors . So you should keep valuables and it is better to not wear something that can attract the attention of the monkeys . When you visit this temple , a common sight seen are the ones holding the wand to drive away the monkeys away .

On the other hand , Pulaki Temple has spectacular views to be enjoyed . Entering the temple , you will arrive in the middle , and from this it can be seen clearly that the Java sea blue beautiful , framed by green hills on the right and left . There are more stairs to climb if you want to enter the main part where the visitors put their offerings and pray . In the main part no quieter , because the monkeys hanging from the branches of trees waiting for the right moment to steal the fruits of offerings . Visitors have been accustomed to the noise made ​​by the monkeys and they still pray with full concentration .

Part of a more spectacular for review is upper temple complex , where there is a narrow street that will be a little slippery during rainy days . Make sure you pass this way when you visit Pulaki Temple . You would walk around in the middle of a cornfield locally , while your eyes may be tempted by the beautiful scenery of the sea and the hills , and the sound of the ocean will cool you on a hot day .

Ngaben ( Cremation Ceremony )

Ngaben is cremation ceremony or cremation of Hindus in Bali , Indonesia. Ngaben event is a ritual performed to send the bodies to the next life . The bodies should be put asleep, and the family left behind will continue to think so ( asleep ) . No tears , because the bodies are there temporarily and will undergo reinkarnasa or find pengistirahatan last in Moksha ( free from the wheel of death and reincarnation ) .
Days corresponding to these events are always discussed with people who understand . On this day , the body is placed in a coffin corpse - dead . Peti - dead is placed in the sarcophagus that resembles the Ox or temple -shaped container made ​​of wood and paper . Form of a bull or the monastery was taken to the cremation site through a procession . The procession is not running on a straight road . This is to confound evil spirits and keep him away from the corpse .
The main event is the burning of generous nature Ngaben structure ( Ox or temple made ​​of wood and paper ) , along with the bodies . Fire is needed to liberate the spirit from the body and facilitate reincarnation .

Cremation is not always done with segaera . For members of high caste , it is reasonable to perform this ritual within 3 days . But for members of the lower castes , the bodies were buried first and then , usually in a group event for a village , cremated .
Cremation is a cremation performed Hindus in Bali , the ceremony was conducted for the ancestral spirits menyucian deceased to the place of final resting by means of burning bodies .In man has several elements , and all of this is driven by the life / spirit given by the Creator . When the man died , which left only the remains of a ballpark alone , while the spirit is still there and continues until the end of time eternal . At that time the cremation ceremony occurs as a process of purification of the spirit as it leaves the rough body .
The word itself has a sense of cremation ashes all stock or goal lead on the last release of the existence of human life . In Hinduism Lord Brahma has some intention other than as a creator god Brahma is also believed to have intentions as the God of Fire . So the cremation ceremony itself is a process of spiritual purification by fire using the fire to be able to go back to the creator , the incarnation of Lord Brahma fire could burn all impurities attached to the bodies and spirits of people who have meningggal .
The cremation ceremony is considered very important for Hindus in Bali , cremation ceremony is perujudan because of the respect and affection of the people who left , also regarding the social status of the family and the person who died . With cremation , the family left behind to liberate the spirit / ghost of deeds ever done the world and deliver them to the eternal heaven and back again reincarnated in a different form .
Cremation is done with a series of ceremonies , consisting of a variety of such offerings do not forget laced with symbols like other rituals are often performed Hindus in Bali . His usual cremation ceremony is passed on a large scale , this all takes a long , laborious and also cost a bit and could result in cremation is often done in a long time after death .
At the present time the Hindu community in Bali often perform mass cremation / joint , for meghemat existing costs , where the bodies of those who died prior to temporarily interred until sufficient new charge carried on , but for the people and families who can afford cremation ceremony can be performed immediately , temporarily interred the bodies in the house , while waiting for a good time . There was less good assumption when the storage bodies in the house too long , because the spirit of the dead person becomes confused and unsettled , he felt being alive between 2 nature and always want to quickly freed .
Implementation of the cremation itself should first consult with the pastor to menetapkankan when a good day to do the ceremony . While waiting for a good day to be set , usually the family and the community assisted crowded troop conduct Preparation corpse ( Bade / coffin ) and a bull -shaped replica made ​​of bamboo , wood , colorful paper , which will be to the crematory .
Ceremony held in the morning when the whole family and the community will gather to prepare the ceremony . Before the ceremony the bodies of executed first cleaned / washed , baths pelaksaaan process led by a pastor or a person of caste Bramana .
Once the process is complete baths , corpse makeup dressed in traditional Balinese clothes , and all the family members gathered to pay their last respects and accompanied by prayer that the consecrated spirits find peace and be in a better place .
Bodies that have been washed and dressed in the clothes placed in " Bade / coffin " and on the stretcher in a gang , all members of the family and the community marched in front of " Bade / coffin " . During the way to the ceremony where , if there is an intersection or junction , Bade / coffin will be rotated around three times , it is believed that the spirits are confused and do not come back again , in the bodies no sobs, no good for the corpse , as if not willing to deliver top kepergiannya.Arak departure procession accompanied by the sound of gamelan corpse , chanting suci.Pada front and rear side Bade / coffin contained the stretcher white cloth that has meaning as a bridge for the spirits to be able to the place of origin .
After reaching the location grave or furnaces that had been prepared , the corpse in the input / put on / in the " Replica shaped ox " which has been prepared by first pastor or a Brahmin chanting and prayer , and ceremony Ngaben implemented , then " Ox " burnt to ashes . The ashes from the cremation inserted into the ivory palm fruit later in larungkan / dihayutkan to the sea or river is considered sacred .
From the above it can be concluded that pemamaparan cremation is cremation ceremony in Bali that when sacred and exalted , this ceremony is an expression of respect addressed to a deceased person . The ceremony is always performed on a large scale , not all Hindus in Bali to implement because it requires expensive cost .

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Rambut Siwi Temple

Temple Rambut Siwi
Pura Luhur Rambut Siwi located at Jalan Denpasar - Gilimanuk Yehembang Village , District Mendoyo , Jembrana , Bali Indonesia , 18 KM east City State and approximately 200 meters to the south of the temple Penyawangan ( temple which is located in the main street of Denpasar - Gilimanuk , and always in flown many road users who invoke Yeh Tirtha ( holy water ) in order to get to safety on their way ) . Pura Luhur Hair Sivi visited by most of the Hindus in Bali temple ceremony when the temple falls every 210 days at Buda ( Wednesday ) , Umanis , wuku prangbakat . Odalan that fall on weekdays will be Odalan Depth Madia ( medium ) . But if the full moon coincided at the time or it will be implemented Odalan Tilem Main Level (temple Nadi ) .

Overview The story of Pura Luhur Rambut Siwi Starting from a strand of hair that .
The existence of Pura Luhur Hair Sivi in Jembrana is very famous . At piodalan , people from all over thronged temples located on the banks of the sea . Located approximately 17 miles east of the State . What is the history of this temple ?

ORIGIN early Pura Rambut Siwi contained in Danghyang Tatwa . According Mangku Gede Luhur Pura Hair Sivi Ida Bagus Kade Order , the temple is not independent of the arrival Danghyang Danghyang . Citing Danghyang Tatwa , he told after some time in Gelgel , Danghyang Danghyang want to enjoy Bali . He also went westward up in Jembrana district turned south and turned again to the east along the coast .
When down the beach , he met a janitor at a parahyangan . The sweeper was sitting outside parahyangan . When the Priest passed , he was greeting the pastor and the pastor asked not to hurry and stopped briefly .
The sweeper said , parahyangan is haunted and sacred place . He who does not worship will pass and killed the tiger . For that , he asked the pastor to pray at parahyangan hamper travel while the Priest .
Danghyang Danghyang also to the wishes of the porter . He then went into parahyangan delivered .
In front of a building shrines , Danghyang Danghyang do yoga , silence staring at the tip of the nose ( Angghsana Cika ) and menunggalkan jiwatman him to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi .
When he was busy doing yoga , suddenly gedong shrines to honor the fallen . The event was seen by a janitor . She started to cry and beg for forgiveness to the Priest . The janitors feel guilty for forcing the worship pastor at Parahyangan . Janitors also kindly ask the Pandita with compassion in order parahyangan repair. Sweeper wanted perahyangan restored so there they uphold and worship every day .
Danghyang Danghyang feel sorry also for seeing the buildings that collapsed palinggih added more cries sweeper . He also said , would improve the building and make it as usual . Furthermore Danghyang Danghyang release until her hair bun . He pulled a hair and given to a sweeper . '' Danghyang Danghyang said , the hair in order to be placed in shrines exist in Parahyangan and disiwi or upheld or disembahyangi that all got safe and prosperous . Janitors obey what he delivered Danghyang Danghyang and also follow all the advice Danghyang Danghyang . From this early temple name Sivi hair , '' said Mangku Gede .
Because it was almost evening , Danghyang Danghyang also intends to spend the night at Temple Rambut Siwi  It turned out that the people who come more and more . They came to beg and beg medication religious counsel . He then advised the religious teachings , especially the devotion to Ida Sang Hyang Batara Widhi - goddess and ancestor to live prosperous in the world . He also reminded that every Wednesday Umanis pujawali Perangbakat held at Temple Hair Sivi village for safety .

eight Pura

Until now pemedek that Tangkil to Temple Rambut Siwi not only local residents only. Many people from outside Jembrana come to the temple to pray and beg the safety and well-being . Sekaa both subak subak subak rice or dried too much to do worship in this temple .

Around Pura Luhur temple Rambut Siwi there are seven or eight including Pura Luhur . For people who pedek Tangkil expected to follow the sequence. The first , conducted in the temple praying Houses are located in Denpasar - Gilimanuk roadside . Furthermore, proceed to Taman prayers are located east of the entrance to the temple site Sivi hair .

Done at Temple Park , pemedek heading Penataran . Its location was on the east Pura Luhur and drops down . Furthermore prayers continue to Pura Tirta Goa , Pura toss , Ivory Wani Pura and Pura Dalem Ped Queen Gede . Every worship at the temple of Queen Gede 's Dalem Ped , pemedek get tridatu bracelet ( black , red , white ) . After that, the prayers ended in Pura Luhur Hair Sivi .

According to Ida Ayu Putu Nuadnya , Mangku wife in Pura Luhur Rambut Siwi , of all the temples , Pura Luhur Penataran and a temple core , while the other is pesanakan .

In Pura Luhur , there were 13 buildings . The buildings include Padma , Pengayeng Mount Agung , Meru Three Linggih Ida Batara Wawu , sees as palinggih Queen Nyoman Way , palinggih overlapping two Linggih Batari god Ayu Ulun Danu , Hair palinggih Sedana , Taksu , Pepelik , Piasan , Peselang , Bale Gong Clothing and gedong Pesimpenan .

Because geographically Pura Luhur was Sivi hair in the region Embang Yeh , pekandel Mendoyo the temple was derived from three villages around the village temple Embang Kangin Yeh , Yeh Yeh Embang and Embang Kauh . Of the three villages , there are eight bendesa . Currently chairman pekandel held Gusti Made Sedana , Bendesa Yeh Embang Kauh . Meanwhile , many of these temples are from the District Mendoyo and Pekutatan . Chairman pengempon held Dewa Made Beratha .

At pujawali , besides Mangku Ketut Alit Lingsir Dayu wife , Ida Bagus Gede Mangku Kade Order and wife Ida Ayu Putu Mangku Nuadnya , many stakeholders are ngayah in the temple . Distribution of stakeholders who ngayah is set by bendesa respectively. But for day-to- day , Mangku Gede and Mangku wife who was in Pura Luhur . ( whew )

Kindly Safety in Travel

IF crossing the road in the area of Denpasar - Gilimanuk Embang Yeh , Mendoyo , many vehicles were stopped on the way south . Road users usually perform Hindu worship in this place .
For those who are already accustomed to , this place called Pura Houses Hair Sivi . If facing the Houses south of temple , Pura Luhur will appear Sivi hair with ocean blue in the background .
Once out of the vehicle , there are people who go straight into the Temple Houses to bring your own or buy cymbals around Pura Houses . After the prayer , they got a spark Tirtha of stakeholders with prayer that survived the trip . For those who do not bring cymbals , they stay down from the vehicle . Stakeholders will also serve pemedek swiftly . After matirtha and got Bija and flowers , their organization of sesari . There is no provision on how sesari are arranged . It all depends on the people . Not only the people who prayed to be saved on the way . Vehicles too Tirtha and fitted sprinkled flowers and Bija .
On a typical day , hundreds of more vehicles ranging from private cars to public transport stops to pray and beg salvation . On holidays or days piodalan , the number of vehicles will increase . The group matirtayatra to Java usually stopped to pray at the temple Houses .
Similarly, the leisure group or a study tour to Java .
'' We never forcing people to stop and pray at the temple Houses . Prayer should not be imposed , '' said Ida Ayu Putu Nuadnya , Mangku wife in Pura Luhur Hair Sivi . Sesari obtained from pemedek , used to cost in Pura Luhur pujawali Rambut Siwi

Lovina Beach

Lovina Beach is located about 9 km west of Singaraja , this is one of the existing attractions in North Bali . Both foreign and local travelers who visit there a lot , but to see the unspoiled beaches , also to see the dolphins are widely available on the beach . By hiring a local fishing boat , we can approach the dolphins. A variety of accommodation ranging from the Inn until Cottages available for a very affordable price .
Lovina history . Lovina offending history , of course, can not be separated by Anak Agung Panji Tisna figure . The name is often written Tisna Flag banner Tisna . Around the 1950s , Anak Agung Panji Tisna , has traveled to several countries in Europe and Asia . What concerns him is the life of the community , especially in India . He stayed a few weeks in Bombay ( now Mumbai ) . Way of life and the condition of the people there , necessarily affects the way he thought and insights ahead to Bali , especially the development of public welfare in Buleleng regency . Meanwhile , Tisna Bannerman also saw a place arranged for the beautiful people on vacation at the beach . The land has in common with his estate on the beach Tukad Midget - Buleleng - North Bali , which is also located in between two streams . Flag Tisna inspiration appears to build a resort like that .

The appearance of Lovina in Bali . Returned from abroad in 1953 , Anak Agung Panji Tisna immediately declared his inspiration and start building on his property , a cottage named " LOVINA " . The place was meant for the " traveler " , the term is now "tourist " , for a vacation . Equipped with 3 bedrooms and weeks to stay in a small restaurant near the seafront . At that time , some business analysts worrying that Tisna Panji plan will not work as expected . Too early time to make that kind of effort on a secluded beach like beach Tukad Midget . Local cultural observer stated , " Lovina " is a foreign word , not the language of Bali . Further more, there is no letter " v " in Balinese . Another comment said firmly , do not use the word " Lovina " , it should be deleted .
Anak Agung Panji Tisna , in 1959 , sold Lodging Lovina to younger relatives , Anak Agung Ngurah Sentanu , 22 years , as owner and manager . This business is going pretty well . However , there are no travelers or tourists . Only a few friends came Flag Tisna come from America and Europe , as well as local government officials and businessmen for a vacation . Feel lucky too , because on special days such as Sundays and public holidays , also on holidays such as Galungan and Kuningan many people including students who come to enjoy the natural atmosphere of the beach .
Karma in the life of Lovina . Since the Dutch colonial era until the time of independence , known as the capital of Singaraja . This status is survived by well-established as a center of government and commerce activities . However , such conditions suddenly change . In the early 1960s , no longer as the capital of Singaraja , since replaced by Denpasar , which then became the provincial capital of Bali . The result is clear , development activities , and trade fell sharply in Singaraja , north Bali and the region in general . It takes many years to bring back to normal in North Bali . The Ngurah Sentanu young manager , got the worst experience in running a cottage Lovina . But he gladly accepted the task and mandate Flag Tisna . What had been foreseen by the business analyst is true . However , if there really is something wrong with Lovina ?
The beginning of tourism in Bali . Since the Bali Beach Hotel was built in 1963 , has become a popular tourism in Bali . Development of tourism facilities such as hotels and restaurants began to spread throughout Bali . Tourists flock to Bali 's Ngurah Rai Airport opened after 1970. Buleleng Government programmed so that spurred the tourism sector as one of the mainstays of economic progress and prosperity. In the meantime , the spotlight focused on the role of Lovina in tourism activities . Thus , the recognition and rejection appears Lovina presence .
The dynamics of tourism in Buleleng . In the eastern region of Buleleng , natural baths in the village of Yeh Sanih Evidence , rose as a rival Lovina . Yeh Sanih development support more than Lovina , both from employers and observers pariwsata . Because Yeh Sanih was the original name of a natural pond in the village in the eastern hemisphere Evidence wilayahh Buleleng . But most of the tourists asked the travel agent to pick Lovina .
Lovina " frozen " by the official . The development of tourism in Bali rapidly in the 1980s, prompted the government to form tourist areas , such as tourism area " Kuta " and " Sanur " . In Buleleng regency , established tourism area " Kalibukbuk " and " Water Sanih " . In that time , there are directives from the Governor of Bali , so that the name of Lovina is not developed yet , because the name was not known in Bali . After all that should be developed is the culture of Bali tourism . Therefore , the next entrepreneurs wear names like Mangala , Krishna , Angsoka , Nirvana , Lila Cita , Banyualit , Kalibukbuk , Aditya , Ayodia , and others . While Anak Agung Panji Tisna himself had built the hotel with the name " Sea of ​​Honey " , is located 100 meters to the west of Lovina , which is becoming an alternative destination . While Lovina should not be presented . Name Lovina kept by its owner , Anak Agung Ngurah Sentanu . After Lovina renovated cottage , then use an alias ie ​​: Pondok Wisata Jewel ( Jewel Cottages ) .
Buried for 10 years , " Lovina " appears as " Mascot " . Lovina tourism world has known for a long time as a destination in North Bali . Demand from businesses and travel agents demand that Lovina was presented again . Attempt to lift North Bali as a tourist destination among others is to return by way of popularizing Lovina . The name " Lovina " already had a name Pondok Wisata Jewel ( Jewel Cottages ) , again using the name " Lovina " ( Lovina Beach Hotel ) . Finally , Lovina " master " no less than 6 native village beach . The beach is located in a row of two (2 ) contiguous sub-districts , namely District of Buleleng and Banjar . Existing in Buleleng , the beach in the village Binaria Kalibukbuk , coastal villages Banyualit Banyualit , kingpin in the village of Kubu Beach Anturan / Tukadmungga , Panta Tukadmungga Am See in the village , the village Pemaron weighing Beach . While in the District of Banjar , is the beach at Kampung Baru Tukad Midget ( Kaliasem ) , coastal villages Temukus Temukus . All beaches are joined in using the name Lovina Beach . Meanwhile , the area 's official name was " Area Tourism Kalibukbuk " .
Lovina carrier blessing to the community . Lovina since birth name designations rejected . But now , Lovina has brought blessing to many people . Anak Agung Panji Tisna dreams since 1953 , has been realized . Lovina historic cottage shaped Lovina Beach hotel establishments still exist and are maintained by Anak Agung Ngurah Sentanu until now .
Meaning of " Lovina " . " Love " and " Ina " which translates as Love Indonesia , is not appropriate in the context Flag Tisna . The term " INA " is the abbreviation for the Indonesian contingent or group of athletes to the Asian Games 1963. Meanwhile , Lovina was established in 1953 . According to Bannerman Tisna , Lovina has a philosophical meaning , a mixture of two syllables " Love " and " Ina " . The word " Love " from the English language meaning of genuine love and " Ina " from Balinese language or dialect which means " mother " . According to the initiators , Anak Agung Panji Tisna , meaning " Lovina " is " Mother Love " or virtuous meaning is " Love Mother Earth " .