Bali Paradise Island

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Rambut Siwi Temple

Temple Rambut Siwi
Pura Luhur Rambut Siwi located at Jalan Denpasar - Gilimanuk Yehembang Village , District Mendoyo , Jembrana , Bali Indonesia , 18 KM east City State and approximately 200 meters to the south of the temple Penyawangan ( temple which is located in the main street of Denpasar - Gilimanuk , and always in flown many road users who invoke Yeh Tirtha ( holy water ) in order to get to safety on their way ) . Pura Luhur Hair Sivi visited by most of the Hindus in Bali temple ceremony when the temple falls every 210 days at Buda ( Wednesday ) , Umanis , wuku prangbakat . Odalan that fall on weekdays will be Odalan Depth Madia ( medium ) . But if the full moon coincided at the time or it will be implemented Odalan Tilem Main Level (temple Nadi ) .

Overview The story of Pura Luhur Rambut Siwi Starting from a strand of hair that .
The existence of Pura Luhur Hair Sivi in Jembrana is very famous . At piodalan , people from all over thronged temples located on the banks of the sea . Located approximately 17 miles east of the State . What is the history of this temple ?

ORIGIN early Pura Rambut Siwi contained in Danghyang Tatwa . According Mangku Gede Luhur Pura Hair Sivi Ida Bagus Kade Order , the temple is not independent of the arrival Danghyang Danghyang . Citing Danghyang Tatwa , he told after some time in Gelgel , Danghyang Danghyang want to enjoy Bali . He also went westward up in Jembrana district turned south and turned again to the east along the coast .
When down the beach , he met a janitor at a parahyangan . The sweeper was sitting outside parahyangan . When the Priest passed , he was greeting the pastor and the pastor asked not to hurry and stopped briefly .
The sweeper said , parahyangan is haunted and sacred place . He who does not worship will pass and killed the tiger . For that , he asked the pastor to pray at parahyangan hamper travel while the Priest .
Danghyang Danghyang also to the wishes of the porter . He then went into parahyangan delivered .
In front of a building shrines , Danghyang Danghyang do yoga , silence staring at the tip of the nose ( Angghsana Cika ) and menunggalkan jiwatman him to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi .
When he was busy doing yoga , suddenly gedong shrines to honor the fallen . The event was seen by a janitor . She started to cry and beg for forgiveness to the Priest . The janitors feel guilty for forcing the worship pastor at Parahyangan . Janitors also kindly ask the Pandita with compassion in order parahyangan repair. Sweeper wanted perahyangan restored so there they uphold and worship every day .
Danghyang Danghyang feel sorry also for seeing the buildings that collapsed palinggih added more cries sweeper . He also said , would improve the building and make it as usual . Furthermore Danghyang Danghyang release until her hair bun . He pulled a hair and given to a sweeper . '' Danghyang Danghyang said , the hair in order to be placed in shrines exist in Parahyangan and disiwi or upheld or disembahyangi that all got safe and prosperous . Janitors obey what he delivered Danghyang Danghyang and also follow all the advice Danghyang Danghyang . From this early temple name Sivi hair , '' said Mangku Gede .
Because it was almost evening , Danghyang Danghyang also intends to spend the night at Temple Rambut Siwi  It turned out that the people who come more and more . They came to beg and beg medication religious counsel . He then advised the religious teachings , especially the devotion to Ida Sang Hyang Batara Widhi - goddess and ancestor to live prosperous in the world . He also reminded that every Wednesday Umanis pujawali Perangbakat held at Temple Hair Sivi village for safety .

eight Pura

Until now pemedek that Tangkil to Temple Rambut Siwi not only local residents only. Many people from outside Jembrana come to the temple to pray and beg the safety and well-being . Sekaa both subak subak subak rice or dried too much to do worship in this temple .

Around Pura Luhur temple Rambut Siwi there are seven or eight including Pura Luhur . For people who pedek Tangkil expected to follow the sequence. The first , conducted in the temple praying Houses are located in Denpasar - Gilimanuk roadside . Furthermore, proceed to Taman prayers are located east of the entrance to the temple site Sivi hair .

Done at Temple Park , pemedek heading Penataran . Its location was on the east Pura Luhur and drops down . Furthermore prayers continue to Pura Tirta Goa , Pura toss , Ivory Wani Pura and Pura Dalem Ped Queen Gede . Every worship at the temple of Queen Gede 's Dalem Ped , pemedek get tridatu bracelet ( black , red , white ) . After that, the prayers ended in Pura Luhur Hair Sivi .

According to Ida Ayu Putu Nuadnya , Mangku wife in Pura Luhur Rambut Siwi , of all the temples , Pura Luhur Penataran and a temple core , while the other is pesanakan .

In Pura Luhur , there were 13 buildings . The buildings include Padma , Pengayeng Mount Agung , Meru Three Linggih Ida Batara Wawu , sees as palinggih Queen Nyoman Way , palinggih overlapping two Linggih Batari god Ayu Ulun Danu , Hair palinggih Sedana , Taksu , Pepelik , Piasan , Peselang , Bale Gong Clothing and gedong Pesimpenan .

Because geographically Pura Luhur was Sivi hair in the region Embang Yeh , pekandel Mendoyo the temple was derived from three villages around the village temple Embang Kangin Yeh , Yeh Yeh Embang and Embang Kauh . Of the three villages , there are eight bendesa . Currently chairman pekandel held Gusti Made Sedana , Bendesa Yeh Embang Kauh . Meanwhile , many of these temples are from the District Mendoyo and Pekutatan . Chairman pengempon held Dewa Made Beratha .

At pujawali , besides Mangku Ketut Alit Lingsir Dayu wife , Ida Bagus Gede Mangku Kade Order and wife Ida Ayu Putu Mangku Nuadnya , many stakeholders are ngayah in the temple . Distribution of stakeholders who ngayah is set by bendesa respectively. But for day-to- day , Mangku Gede and Mangku wife who was in Pura Luhur . ( whew )

Kindly Safety in Travel

IF crossing the road in the area of Denpasar - Gilimanuk Embang Yeh , Mendoyo , many vehicles were stopped on the way south . Road users usually perform Hindu worship in this place .
For those who are already accustomed to , this place called Pura Houses Hair Sivi . If facing the Houses south of temple , Pura Luhur will appear Sivi hair with ocean blue in the background .
Once out of the vehicle , there are people who go straight into the Temple Houses to bring your own or buy cymbals around Pura Houses . After the prayer , they got a spark Tirtha of stakeholders with prayer that survived the trip . For those who do not bring cymbals , they stay down from the vehicle . Stakeholders will also serve pemedek swiftly . After matirtha and got Bija and flowers , their organization of sesari . There is no provision on how sesari are arranged . It all depends on the people . Not only the people who prayed to be saved on the way . Vehicles too Tirtha and fitted sprinkled flowers and Bija .
On a typical day , hundreds of more vehicles ranging from private cars to public transport stops to pray and beg salvation . On holidays or days piodalan , the number of vehicles will increase . The group matirtayatra to Java usually stopped to pray at the temple Houses .
Similarly, the leisure group or a study tour to Java .
'' We never forcing people to stop and pray at the temple Houses . Prayer should not be imposed , '' said Ida Ayu Putu Nuadnya , Mangku wife in Pura Luhur Hair Sivi . Sesari obtained from pemedek , used to cost in Pura Luhur pujawali Rambut Siwi


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