Bali Paradise Island

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ponjok Batu Temple

Ponjok Stone Temple located in the seaside village belonged Pacung , Tejakula subdistrict , Buleleng district and is approximately 24 km east of Singaraja or is about 105 km from the capital of Denpasar . Based Ponjok name is derived from the word Tanjung Batu Batu and the environment around the temple is a cape which consists of rocks overgrown with trees and frangipani . Ponjok temple Pura Batu is a place of worship or public worship for Hindus to invoke safety . In front of the temple area bounded by the highway to look Amlapura Java sea views quiet . Also in the vicinity of the temple there are several sources of water used by local residents for everyday purposes .

As a place of worship or public worship , the temple Ponjok Stone on his birthday every day activities ( piodalan ) is always crowded with both locals and those from out of Buleleng . In addition to natural beauty , architectural environment Ponjok Stone Temple also reflects the distinctive style in which the entire building is made of natural stones susuban located around the site so it is very exciting to be enjoyed by tourists .

Construction of the temple is estimated to have existed during the reign of Dalem royal Gelgel , Sri Waturenggong who reigned circa 1460-1550 or 1382-1472 Saka year . The establishment of this temple also has a close relationship with the trip Dang Hyang Nirartha . In the Danghyang Tatwa , relates that in the time of Dalem royal Gelgel , during the reign of Dalem royal Gelgel Sri Waturenggong around in 1489 , Dang Hyang Nirartha arrived in Bali and settled in Gelgel . One day he visited the north coast of Bali and also make cape around where he was standing . The headland is full of rocks and bush vegetation . Suddenly he saw a stranded boat , and then he immediately provide relief to the people who were in the boat . After being given aid workers ( bebayon ) , then magically these people sober up and say thanks to the infinite Dang Hyang Nirartha . And the next day when the sea state is very quiet , they wake up with a healthy and fresh condition . Dang Hyang Nirartha mennganjurkan that's a very good time for sailing . Then they shared with him eventually sailed to Lombok . After Dang Hyang Nirartha go , then at the Cape of miracles that occurred entice locals . The rocks around the place he dwells suddenly lit up and raised some springs around the place , so they flocked to worship together . Finally built a temple holy heaven with buildings shaped a "Studio Supreme " and the environment is named Goda Pura Pura Batu Ponjok .


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